~~ ST~1TL CCU\TTY SCHOOL FC ?~ LR L'GRi? TCT.~!L Credit 4C-2-16 :"u 1,080.49 ;,213.28 47.64 1,7.99.34 201.87 5,742.62 Credit 4(':-2-17 1,~78.1C 2,'44,9?. 196.08 2,086.31 146.53 6,652.24 Credit -r0-2-18 1,762.18 5,680.40 287.04 1,957.17 356.55 10,043.34 1972 Co11ec- tions 65,468.75 278, ?48.72 15,738.32 73,841.62 16,117.76 431 415.17 , Supplemental Collec tions to the 1972 tax roll. are listed as follows: STATE CO UP?TY SCY.OOL FC x LR JGRA A~; TOTAL RD State Cost- ~2i.00 ~~ Tax 639.58 fp1,915.44 :661.15 X676.55 X1.18.78 :0.25 X4,032.75 ~ The collection represents a collection for the tax year 1872 in the amount of 96.550. r, and ,also thr!t the `l'~.x Assessor-Collector be charged. '~aith the amount collected iri addition to the current rolls o£ Insolvent T,ix Collections, Redemptions, etc., as listed on the report. Motion made by Co!r;rrii:,sirnt r 3•,rte1., seconded by Comi::issioner Sallee and unanimously approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o COURT r.DJ~%uit1dED ::UsuciT 31, 1973 at 16:50 o'clock A. T~i. O-J-O-C-O-O-O-O-C-C CGJI{T COtTV4:P;i':D IPd ,it'P,'CiAI, SIl.,S10~~ SRFTE2~FJER 4, 1873 at '9:35 0' clock A. :.., wi+„h the following officers present: Julius R. R?eurihoffer County Judge W. C. Schwethelm Commissioner Precinct 1 xoger Store Commissioner Precinct 4 and the Court having duly opened, the following proceedings ware had: T_S0. llg3~ Ri'GIG.^IATIC?J 0?'' L. H. YUtiVIS e1S DL^'rUT'_ S:IvRIFF-C:iIFF CRII~;IT_iAu I':'VSTIG:TOR ~' OF KERI? COIJT;TY Cr: this the 4t_^, day o£ September 1'57, upon motion made by Co:!:r~;issi.oner Scizwe':.elm, seconded by Coi~m!issiuner Store, tY!e Court un=tnimously approved t1:at the resignatior. of L. '.i. Purvis ~ De~:uty Sheriff-CY?ief Crir,:inal Invicetigator o° Kerr Co anty, Texas, ke rati- _ied ar!d conf;r,;!ed, effective: August 20, 1973 `tnd th:xt he be granted lerve ~n•ith pay +hru August 31, 197>. o-o-o-v-o-o-o-o-c-o '`r0. 11931 1L1PilOzTAL OF APPLICATIOP' OF F. A. SC'CiZi?IBLR, SHERIFF, F'OR APPOIP1TT~iEP;T Or LO°TP'I~' G'r'.'TE Pi:;RRt.PiORE .:S DFYU`"Y Si:F;RI`r'F OF KLRR COU'_'TY, T'_l%AS Cn this the 4th day of September 1973, came or,. to be considered by the Court the sppli- cation of F.. .4. Scl.reiber, Sheriff, for authority t:o apnclnt and deputize Lonnie Gene Pdarra~aore _s De_uty Sheriff of iicrr County, Texas and it a!pe•+ring to t'r_e Court that said a~plic!ti.o:i si.ould be approved; therefore, upor. motion mride by Com-!:i.ssicne.r Stone, seconded by Commissioner Schwethel.m, the Court unanimously approved thr,t said officer be authorized .-. to deputize Lonnie Gene Pdarramore as De ut;y Sheriff o£ Kerr County, Texas, effective the date of his qu-tlification, t:'ie same being the '4th day o.f September 1973, at a salary of X7200.00 per anriu:r., payable out of Revenue Sh=ring Trust Fund. o-o-o-o-o-c-o-o-o-o