,.~- SALARIES OF EL_~;CTE:D COUNTY AND PRECINCT OE'FICIALS 1971 1972 ~D~1 { `I'r'sla®a Ctl 1973 County Clerk $7, 920. 00 $7, 920. 00 $7, 920, 00 Plus travel allowance 600.00 600, 00 Sheriff 7, 920. 00 7, 920. UO 7, 92C, 00 Tax Collector '7, 680. 00 7, b80. 00 7, 680, 00 " Plus travel allowance 900, 00 Plus fee for administering certificate of title act 240.00 240.00 240.00 County Attorney 7, 920. 00 7, 920.00 7, 920.00 "' ' Plus Secretary Allowance 600. OO b00. 00 1, 200. 00 - County Judge 6, 325. 00 S, 325. 00 6, 325, 00 `.. Plus Juvenile Judge Salary 600. 00 600.00 600. 00 ~= Plus travel allowance 450. 00 900. 00 1, $00, 00 '•-" Treasurer 6,600.00 6,600.00 ti, 600, 00 ' District Clerk 6, 600. 00 6, 600. 00 6, 600, 00 Commissioner, Precinct Na, 1 5, 50U. 00 5, 500.00 5, 500. 00 Plus travel allowance 900. 00 900. UO 1,.800.00 Commissioner, Precinct No. 2 5, 500. 00 5, 500.00 5, 50 U. 00 Plus travel allowance 900. 00 900. 00 1, 800, 00 Commissioner, Precinct No, 3 5, 500. 00 5, SDU. 00 5, 500, 00 Plus travel allowance 900. 00 900. 00 1, 800. 00 Commissioner, Precinct No. 4 5, 500. 00 5, 500.00 5, 500. 00 Plus travel allowance 900. 00 900.00 1, 800, 00 Justice of the Peace, Precinct iVo, 1 3, 600. 00 3, 600.00 3, 600, 00 Justice of the Peace, Precinct No, 2 2, 400. OU 2, 400.00 2, 400.00 Justice of the Peace, Precinct No, 4 2, 400. 00 2, 400. 00 2, 400, 00 Justice of the Peace, Precinct No, 5 1, 800. 00 1, 800, DO 1, 800, 00 Public Weigher, Precinct No. 1 2, 000. 00 2, OOU. 00 2, 000. 00 SALARIES -DEPUTIES AND COUNTY EMPLOYEES Billy J. White, Chief Deputy Sheriff Jimmy Gibbs, Deputy Sheriff Vexnon A, Wheatly, Deputy Sheriff Bill N, Rector, County Agent 2, 150.00 Plus travel 840.00 Jerrilyn 5essom, Home Demo Agent 2, 000, 00 Plus travel 720, 00 Mrs, Margaret Hill, County Health Nurse 4, 950. 00 Plus travel 900, 00 J, W, Wilson, Custodian 4, 160. 00 District Judge, Second 38th Dist, , as 3uvenile Officer 600. UO District Judge, 198th Dist., as Juvenile Officer 600.00 District Attorney's Secy., Second 38th Dist, 863,04 District Attorney's Secy., 193th Dist, 1,054.56 District Court Reporter, Second 38th Dist. 3, 539. 12 District Court Reporter, 198th Dist. 3, 809. $4 County Agents' Secretary 3, 000.00 County Health Officer 600. 00 1971 1972 2, 150. 00 840.00 2, 000. 00 7zo.oD 4, 950. 00 900.00 4, 760. 00 600.00 600.00 863,04 1, 436. 16 3, 539. 12 3, 809.84 3, 000. 00 600.00 COUNTY CLERK' S OFFICE Estella Witt, Chief Deputy Linda Uecker Betty Tredul Tommie Jean Cowden 5, 460. 00 4, 365. 00 4, 510. Ov 4, 365. 00 5, 900.00 4, 620.00 -~, 510.00 4, 365, 00 Pearl McEwen Margaret Mumme Doris Henderson Donna E. Witt Dorothy L. Pfeiffer (Parttime) Geraldine Meeker (Parttime) 4, 365. 00 4, 365, 00 2, 9 50. 00 4, 365, 00 4, 365. 00 4, 200. UO 4, 200, 00 2, 950.00 Proposed 1973 $b, 755, 00 ~~ 6, 585, 00 "" 6, 585, 00 2, 150.00 840,00 Z, 000.00 720,00 5, 200, 00 ~`a 900,00 5, 000, 00 b00.00 600,00 863, D4 1, 436, 16 3, 893, 17 4, 199.80 3, 150. 00 600, 00 0, 260, 00 4, 850, 00 4, 735, 00 4, 505, 00 4, 585. 00 4, 585, 00 4, 410, 00 4, 410, 00 3, 100, 00 3, 100. 00 Extra Help for Clerk's office 12, 500. 00 14, 000. 00 11, 000, 00 TAX COLLE:CTOR'S OFFICE Proposed 1971 1972 1973 Doris Smith, Chief Deguty $5, 960.00 $5, 960. 00 $b, 260. 00 ,yr<, Pauline Rodgers 4, 850. 00 4, 850. 00 5, 095, 00 Dorothy Smith 4, 620. 00 4, 620.00 4, 85G. 00 Betty J. Smith 4, 365.00 4, 365. 00 4, 585. 00 Doris Isenberg 4, 365, 00 4, 365. Ofl 4, 585.00 P aula Tracy Kelly 4, 365. 00 43, 65.00 4, 585.00 11 J ~ 'n "~ .~obby Nell Leedy 4, 365. 00 4, 585. 00 '+i •4 -I N n ~atricia Ann Cowden ti .y 4, 200. 00 4, 585, 00 ` c, . -=, extra Help for Tax office °' 5, p00. 00 3, 000.00 ,. 4, 200. 00 y .., o . ~; c .; ~ bounty Judge's Secretary 3, 100.00 3, 100. 00 3, 385. 00 ~, m y ~,y'~oixnty Attorney rent allowance 600.00 600.00 600.00 +: ~ t-,.unitarian, County 1 /2 2, 530.00 Z, 530. 00 ~,, 2, 655. 00 ', .S` _< . -t; a~ ~ ~'~ernon Gross, Center Point Nightwatchman 3, 000.00 3, 150. 00 ~'" ° °,; ~ Plus car allowance 360. 00 360.00 '~~, N ~ n 3ames B. Tucker, Ingram Nightwatchman 1, 680. 00 1, 680. 00 1, 765, 00 `f ~'l w ::Plus car allowance 36G.00 360.00 360.00 ` ~ ~~GVilliam D. Smith, Jail Nightwatchman 1, 680, 00 1, 680.00 1, 765, 00 Plus car allowance 360.00 360.00 360.00 Salaries of Elected County Officials, Precine`~ Officials, & Allowance s:Ac~op~ed for 1973 i' ~ ~_