ORDER NO. ~' %" ORDER AUTHORIZING REQUEST FOR AID FROM TEXAS AERONAUTICS COMMISSION FOR RUNWAY LIGHTING AND VISUAL APPROACH SLOPE INDICATORS FOR LOUIS SCHREINER FIELD On this the 19th day of October, 1973, came on to be heard and considered by the Court the necessity of installing anew system of runway lights and visual approach slope indicators at the City-County Airport ;-known as Louis Schreiner Field, and it appearing to the Court that these facilities are urgently needed and that funding for same must be provided the Kerrville-Kerr County Joint Airport Board, it is crdered on motion ,. ., ~. ~y'Cpmmissioner Stone seconded by Commissioner ' BaI'tel and unanimously approved by the Court that `i Eferr County join with the City of Kerrville in making application to the 3'exas Aeronautics Commission for funding in the amount of $6, 325.00 i ., "' `to be applied toward a total estimated project cost of $50, 600. 00, and it is further ordered that funding of Kerr County's one-half of the estimated local cost in the amount of $3, 162. 00 be hereby confirmed as to commitment and availability and that the County Judge of Kerr County be authorized to sign the aforesaid request for aid for and on behalf of Kerr County. ORDER AUTHORIZING REQUEST FOR AID FROM TEXAS AERONAUTICS COMMISSION FOR RUNWAY LIGHTING AND VISUAL APPROACH SLOPE IRIIICATORS FOR LOUIS SCHREINER FIELD ti~ iv '/`-? ~ __ ~'~