29 ~ THE STATE OF TEXAS 1 ~ COUNTY OF KERB j BE IT REMEMBERED that there was begun and holden on the 13th day of October 1975 at 10:00 o'clock A. M., in the City of Kerrville, Texas, a regular term of the Commissioners' Court, with the following officers present: Julius R. Neunhoffer County Judqe W. C. Schwethelm Commissioner Precinct No. 1 Clinton M. Sallee Commissioner Precinct No. 2 Adolph Baztel Commissioner Precinct No. 3 Roger Stone Commissioner Precinct No. 4 and the Court having duly opened, the following proceedings were had: NO. 12504 APPROVAL OF CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS On this the 13th day of October 1975, came on to be examined by the Court the various •+- claims and accounts against Kerr County and the respective Commissioners' Precincts since the last term of Court, which claims and accounts were approved for payment by the Clerk and Treasurer, in amounts and out of Road & Bridge Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, General, Officers Salazy, County Law Library and Jury Funds, as shown in the Minutes of Accounts Allowed from page 1839 thru 1843 Voucher Nos. 43202 thru 43381 which were made a part hereof and of this order. Motion made by Commissioner Stone, seconded by Commissioner Schwethelm and unanimously approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o NO. 12505 MONTHLY REPORTS OF COUNTY AND PRECIDTCT OFFICIALS OF KERR COUNTY APPROVED On this the 13th day of October 1975, came on to be examined by the Court the various reports of September of the County sad Precinct Officials of Karr County, Texas, the same having been heard and considered by the Court, finds that said reports are true and correct and should be approved, therefore upon motion made by Commissioner Sallee, seconded by Commissioner Bartel, the Court unanimously approved that the submitted reports be accepted sad filed with the County Clerk for future reference and subject to audit: EMMIE M. MUENKER, County Clerk, collection of fees of office $5031.12 EMMIE M. MUENKER, County Clerk, fines, judgments & jury fees 706.08 +~ F. A. KARGER, District Clerk, judgments & jury fees 650.95 E. A. SCHItEIBER, Sheriff, out of County fees 279.00 JAMES J. VOGEL, Justice of the Peace, Prec. 1, fines & costs 3461.50 Small Claims & Civil Fees 53.00 CHARLES J. REES, Justice of the Peace, Prec. 2, Reimb. Co. for Check No. 42910 - Re: Docket No. 5743 30.00 ROBERT J. BOCOCK, Justlce of the Peace, Prec. 4, fines & costs 190.50 ROBERT L. SRANTLEY, Justice of the Peace, Prec. 5, fines & costs 614.10 O. N. SKIPWORTH, Public Weigher, Scale Receigts for September 1975 87.00 DWIGHT HARKEY, County Agent, Report for September 1975 JERRILYN RAY, Home Demonstration Agent, Report for September 1975 MARGARET HII.L, County Health Nurse, Report for September 1975 FRANKLIN w. MEEKER, City-County Sanitarian, Report for September 1975 o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 12506 APPROVAL OF COUNTY CLERK'S QUARTERLY REPORT ON TRUST FUND AND FIDiES oa this the 13th day of October 1975, came on to be considered by the Court the Quarter- ly Report of all monies and fees collected by Emmie M. Muenker, County Clerk, belonging to Officers, witnesses and other persons, remaining in her hands uncalled for by the parties entitled thereto, for the period ending the 30th day oŁ September 1975 and held on deposit in ~ the County Clerk's Trust Fund in the amount of $8,136.98. } Also Quarterly Report of Fines Imposed, Jury and Library Fees, Judgments received and collected in the County Court by the Clerk of said Court, in the amount of $2931.08. It appearing to the Court that said reports are in due form and should be approved; therefore- on motion Of Cnmminain+.er n-,-~..i --~---~-~ ~--- ^- -