COURT ADJOURNED MARCH 25, 1975 at 10:00 o'clock A. Ai. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o COURT CONVENED IN SPECIAL SESSIOi7 MARCH 28, 1975 at 10:00 o'clock A. M., with the following officers present: Julius R. Neunhoffer County Judge W. C. Schwethelm Commissioner Precinct No. 1 Adolph Bartel Commissioner Precinct No. 3 Roper Stone Commissioner Precinct No. 4 and the Court having duly opened, the following proceedings were had: N0. 12362 A RESOLUTION TO ENDORSE AND SUPPORT THE APPLICATION OF THE KERR COUNTY PROJECT, TITLED KERR COUNTY JUVENILE PROBATION DEPARTMENT, PROPOSED TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE TEXAS CRIA'iINAL JUSTICE DIVISION FOR A GRANT AMOUNT OF $165,810 TO ESTABLISH A KERR COUNTY JUVENILE PROBATION DEPARTMENT IN ORDER TO PROVIDE FOR A FULL TIb1E JUVENILE PROBATION llEPARTMENT WIIEREAS, the Kerr County Commissioners' Court has reviewed and approved this project and agreed that the project is consistent with the wishes of Kerr County and its current and long range correctional needs, on motion by Commissioner Stone, seconded by Commissioner Bartel and unanimously approved, NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS OitDERED that the Kerr County Commissioners' Court endorses and supports the application, titled KERU COUNTY JUVENILE Pi20BATION DEPARTAENT, and authorizes tre Kerr County Judge to submit the same to the Texas Criminal Justice Division and urges its approval by the Texas Criminal Justice Division of the Governor's Office, Duly adopted at a meeting of the Kerr County Commissioners' Court this the 28 day of March, 1975. /s/ Julius R. Neunhoffer, County Judge /t/ JULIiJ5 R. NE[JNI?OFFER, CGUNTY JUDGE ATTEST: /s/ Emmie M. Muenker /t/ EMMIE M. MUENKER, COUNTY CLERK o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o NO. 12363 AMENDMENT TO CITY-COUNTY AMBULANCE CONTRACT APPROVED On this the 28th day of March 1975, upon motion made by Commissioner Bartel, seconded by Commissioner Schwethelm, the Court unanimously approved the Amendment to the City-County Ambulance Contract. AMENDMENT TO CITY-COUNTY AMBULANCE CONTRACT Pursuant to the provisions of Para?raph 8 of the City-County ambulance contract entered inter by the City of Yerrville and Kerr County r~+ith W. A. Plummer, Sr., effective January 1, 1975, the following modifications and amendments to said agreement are entered into effective the 21s*_ day of Aiarch, 1975. 1. The Alamo Area Council of Governments has made a modular ambulance available to the City and County pursuant to provisions ment approved by the City of Kerrville 2S, 1975, which lease and tort indemni agreement remains in force the nodular shall be operated by the therein named of a certain vehicle lease and tort indemnity anree- on February 25, 1975 and by Kerr County on February Cy agreement specifically provides that so long as said amh~zlance cahir_l: is the subject of said agreement Lessees' contractor, W. A. Plummer, Sr. 2. Contractor with the City and County hereby agrees to accent and operate the afore- said modular ambulance in conjunction with his rendition of contractual services to the City of Kerrville and Kerr County. Said operations shall he pursuant to the City and County's obligations under the aforesaid lease agreement with the Alamo Area Council of Governments. ~~ 3. Repairs, Maintenance, and insurance as required by and heretofore approved by the Alamo Area Council of Governments shall be provided at contractor's sole expense and as set forth in said lease aareement with the Alamo Area Council. of Governments. All deductible amounts provided for in any policies of insurance shall be the sole responsibility of con- tractor. 4. Contractor's employees who operate the modular ambulance shall be trained and quali- Pied as required by City and County's lease aareement with the Alamo Area Council of Govern- ments~ the applicable provisions of said aareement being incorporated herein by reference for all purposes. 5. Pursuant to applicable provisions of the City and County's contract with ;a. A. Plummer, Sr. and in further consideration of the provision of the modular ambulance herein referred to and in Further consideration of the additional obligations assumed hereby by contractor, it is agreed that the compensation provided for in Paragraph 2 of the original contract with W. A. Plummer, Sr. shall remain as therein originally set forth. 6. The modular ambulance shall be reserved for use on emergency calls. Other vehicles shall only be used on emergency calls when the modular ambulance is not available - either because it is already on a call or is out of use f_or repairs or maintenance. The modular ambulance shall never lie used for transfers. This to become effective on the 21st day of March, 1975. KERR COUNTY, TEXAS BY jsj Julius R. Neunhoffer /t/ Julius R. Neunhoffer County Judge, Kerr County, Texas ATTEST: /s/ Emmie iri. Muenker (Seal) /t/ Emmie M. b;uenker, County Clerk Kerr County, 'Pexas CITY OF KERRVILLE, TEXAS BY /s/ Edward M. Schlieter /t/ Edward t1. Schlieter, Mayor City of Kerrville, Texas W. A. PLUMMER, SP,. ATTEST: BY: /s/ Fd, A. Plummer, Sr. ~s/ Gene Barton (Seal) /t/ W. A. Plummer, sr. /t/ Mrs. Gene Barton, City Clerk City of Kerrville, Texas o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o NO. 12364 ORDER AUTHORIZING COUNTY ATTORNEY TO INTEKVENE IN DELINQUENT TAX SUITS PENDING IN 198th JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT On this the 28th day of March, 1975, came on to he heard and considered by the Court the necessity of authorizing and di r.ectinq County Attorney James C. Nogues to act on behalf of Kerr County and the State of Texas in the matter of intervening and filing claims in the 198th Judicial District Court of Kerr County, pursuant to Article 7345b, Texas Civil Statutes, the said causes beinn delinquent tax cults, listed as follows: Cause Number Defendant 1236 Victor H. Davis 1237 lludly Warren Cade 1238 Melvin E. Thorp ].240 William L. Tillson 1241 Charles Granville Ficker 1242 Robert Leland Brantley, et ux 1243 Melvin Lee 1245 W. E. Middleton, Jr. 1247 Jerry V. Turner 1248 Bruce A. Kimbrow 1249 Alfred A. Cade 1250 L. J. Roede_rer 1252 James Hooker