c b'° ._ . c} COURT CONVENED IN SPECIAL SESSION APRIL 2, 1976 at 10:15 o'clock A. M., with the following officers present: Julius R. Neunhoffer County Judge W. C. Schwethelm Commissioner Precinct No. 1 Roger Stone Commissioner Precinct No. 2 and the Court having duly opened, the following proceedings were had: NO. 12641 ORDER APPROVIDTG MONTHLY ESTIMATE NO. 1 OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO WACO CONSTRUCTION, INC. On this the 2nd day of April 1976, came on to be examined by the Court, the Contractor's request for payment of Monthly Estimate No. 1 of the Construction Contract for the Annex to the Kerr County, Texas, Courthouse and Jail Building. Said request for payment having been examined by Lester B. Whitton, P. E. and A. B. Swank, F.A.I.A. and recommended to the Court that payment be made to Waco Construction, Inc., in the amount of 518,337.50. Therefore, on motion made by Commissioner Schwethelm, seconded by Commissioner Stone, the Court unanimously approved the Monthly Estimate No. 1 of the Construction Contract and the Clerk and Treasurer are hereby authooized to draw a voucher in the amount of S18,337.50, payable to Waco Construction, Inc., out of the Courthouse and Jail Construction Fund No. 1. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o NO. 12642 APPROVAL OF PLAT OF RIVERHILL TOWNHOUSE TRACTS NO. THREE On this the 2nd day of April 1976, upon motion made by Commissioner Schwethelm, second- ed by Commissioner Stone, the Court unanimously approved the Plat of Riverhill Townhouse Tracts No. Three. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 12643 APPLICATION OF EMMIE M. MUENKER, COUNTY CLERK, FOR APPOINTMENT OF JANIE LO7.ANO AS A PART-TIME DEPUTY On this the 2nd day of April 1976, came on to be considered by the Court the application of Emmie M. Muenker, County Clerk, for authority to appoint and deputize Janie Lozano, as a regular pazt-time Deputy County Clerk, and it appearing to the Court that said application should be approved, therefore, upon motion made by Commissioner Schwethelm, seconded by Commissioner Stone, the Court unanimously approved that said officer be authorized to deputize Janie Lozano, as a Deputy County Clerk, and that she be paid on an hourly basis at 52.60 per hr., effective the date of her qualification, the same being April 2, 1976, said salazy to be paid out of Officers Salary Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o COURT ADJOURNED APRIL 2, 1976 at 11:00 o'clock A. M. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o The foregoing minutes from pages 74 thru 105 were read in open Court and found correct and aze hereby approved this 12th day of April 1976. ATTEST: / ~ . _. - ~ '' ~cE" °r 4 ounty Clerk, Kerr ounty, Texae ~ ~ C unty Jud ,