~ mss. t ..~ matter of investing certain funds currently on deposit and for the amounts and period of time as listed below: FUND AMOUNT PERIOD OF TIME General Fund 5250,000.00 To mature February 14, 1977 Road & Bridge No. 4 Fund $ 10,000.00 To mature February 14, 1977 Flood Control Maintenance Fund S 23,000.00 To mature February 14, 1977 Permanent Improvement Fund S 22,000.00 To mature February 14, 1977 Jury Fund S 4,000.00 To mature February 14, 1977 Courthouse Special Reserve Fund S 3,893.05 To mature February 14, 1977 Courthouse & Jail Bond Sinking Fund $ 15,000.00 To mature February 1, 1977 Certificates of Obligation Sinking Fund S 2,812.50 To mature February 1, 1977 and that these funds should be invested as soon as current Certificates of Deposits mature and the proceeds thereof are deposited to the credit of Kerr County, pending possible need of these funds for expenditure, it is ordered on motion by Commissioner Stone, seconded by Commissioner Sallee, the Court unanimously approved the above mentioned investments, in interest Bearing Certificates of Deposits, with the Chas. Schreiner Bank, which investments shall be made as soon as practicable and that such Certificates of Deposits shall be for the amounts and period of time as shown above. And it is further ordered that the Clerk and the Treasurer be authorized to draw proper vouchers on the funds aforementioned and in the amounts above set forth to effect the afore- said investments with the Chas. Schreiner Bank. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o COURT ADJDURNED NOVEMBER 8, 1976 at 12:05 o'clock P. M. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o COURT RE-CONVENED NOVEMBER 9, 1976 at 10:00 o'clock A. M., with the following officers present: Julius R, Neunhoffer County Judge _ Clinton M. Sallee Commissioner Precinct No. 2 Adolph Bartel Commissioner Precinct No. 3 Roger Stone Commissioner Precinct No. 4 and the Court having duly opened, the following proceedings were had: NO. 12822 TRANSFER OF $50,000.00 FROM GENERAL FUND TO GENERAL ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND On this the 9th day of November 1976, upon motion made by Commissioner Bartel, seconded by Commissioner Sallee, the Court unanimously approved that the Clerk and Treasurer be and are hereby authorized to transfer the sum of $10,000.00 from the General Fund to the General Road and Bridge Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o NO, 12823 APPROVAL OF QUARTERLY REPORT OF COUNTY FINANCES AND TABULAR STATEMENT OF COUNTY CLERK OF INDEBTEDNESS, EXPENDITURES AND RECEIPTS OF KERB COUNTY On this the 9th day of November 1976, came on to be examined by the Court the Quarterly Report and Tabular Statement of Emmie M. Muenker, County Clerk, covering the indebtedness, expenditures and receipts of Kezr County for the quarter beginning August 1, 1976 and ending October 31, 1976, and the same having been compared and examined by the Court and found correct. Upon motion made by Commissioner Stone, seconded by Commissioner Bartel, the Court un- animously approved said report and ordered said report to be filed for future reference and subject to audit. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o