ORDER NO. 12652 RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE KERB COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT AGREEING TO THE DELEGATION OF THE LICENSING AUTHORITY FOR SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATION TO THE UPPER GUADALUPE RIVER AUTHORITY WHEREAS, the Guadalupe River in Kerr County is a very economically significant asset which at present has water of good quality and is highly valued for recreational use and for its ecstatically attractive condition; and WHEREAS, the River is being used as a source of water supply which with growth and development in Kerr County will become a major source; and WHEREAS, the Kerr County Commissioners' Court has reviewed the proposed Texas Water Quality Board Order dele- gating this responsibility for licensing to the Upper Guadalupe River Authority and has concluded that the program would complement the activities of Kerr County and be beneficial to the whole area; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Commissioners' Court of Kerr County, mexas, that the Court approves the delegation of licensing authority for septic tanks to the Upper Guadalupe River Authority and the other functions specified in the Order of the Texas Water Quality Board; and Further that this Court approves the draft of the Septic Tank Order by the Texas Water Quality Board as presented to this Court; and, Further that the Texas Plater Quality Board be furnished with a copy of this resolution. THIS RESOLUTION ADOPTED ON the 12th day of _ ADiil 19?6, BY THE KERR COUNTY COMMISSIOtvERS IN A REGULAR MEETING. KERR COUNTY CO.'~7MISSIONERS' COURT ATTEST: County Clerk and e`.~ Officio Clerk of the Kerr County Commissioners' Court C~om~m~iss~ioner, Precinct 1 Commissioner, Precinct 2 9~!~.~: i~Gs~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE KERB COUNTY COMMISSIONfiRS' COURT AGRfiEING TO THE DELEGATION OF THS LICENSING AUTHORITY FOR SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATION TO THE UPPER GUADALUPE RIVER AUTHORITY 4 - 12 - 76 ~.~~~ !off