,~ - APPLICATION UNDER OATH OF OFFICER TO THE COMMISSIONER'S COURT FOR APPOINTMENT OF DEPUTIES. TO THE HONORABLE COMMISSIONERS COURT, --- KERR - ---- _-- _- _- -COUNTY, TEXAS: OF ----------- -- -- -- - I,°-•°-----------EA]MIE...M...1YlLTENKER.r- ---COUAty Cle]:-k--._-------------- ----- -°- -------° - °------- --- -- - °-- f Kerr ._-- __--_-.--,._-,__-_- aunty, Texas, hereby make application to you for authority to appoint o ------------------ - --- ----- ---- C deputy ---_OI}g-------------------ditW[~1S3~as 6isted below, and to Qay them the salaries set opposife their names. I consider said deputies necessary for the efficient performance of the duties of the o$'ice of--.._ ...................._ COUNTY CLERK..-..-...--_--.--_. NAME OF DEPUTY KIND OF SERVICE Salary Per Month Ann Wallace Deputy County Clerk _ (to be paid on an hourly basis until May 1st, at which time salary to be p~~am8 gg 55760. 00 er ann m STATEMENT OF PROBABLE RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS OF SAID OFFICE FOR 19 ................ Receipts $ I i Disbursements $ County.. Clerk-- ----..- ----- -------- -- ---- -- - -- ----- ---- Of...-...._ICgLL...... ___.. ._ -..... __._ ..-Col2nty, Tezas. Subscribed qnd sworn to before me, this-.---...°--..~-~.th---_--.--.day of---...-.--- epril-------------------------------A. D. 19_-ZS.. ,• (L. S.) 4 L ~~ --- ------------ J. and E fficio Notary Public O -... ----- lCer~c--- ---------- ------ --- .... -County. Texas. l~it~'tJ~ %"61'r~ APPLICATION OF -----~'E..Z'L~-!!SitE2TKER-------- --- .-...----- ---°~Cautaty-•Glezk. ---°--------°--.-.....----- -°-°--- OF-.-.-.-.-..._Kerr---°°-----------•--- ...-. COUNTY, TEXAS, FOR DEPUTIES AppLICATION Under Oath of ~e~ tO the Commia- eionere Conrt for Appointment of Deputies Filed this-.......-19th-_...°---•--------d°y °t .A. D. 19_76• ..-....Mgr.3.1----------------------------- " - Clerk, county Caurt, -----~~~,~.-•-----------._--.County, Texas. -•-•-----•°-------°-.-Deputy. EY•-°-----------------------------