ORDER NO. 13073 ORDER REENACTING ALL PREVIOUS ORDERS AND REGULATIONS RELATING TO PARTICIPATION IN THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM, PROVIDING FOR ENTRY INTO PRO GRAM, ADMINISTRATION, ENACTMENT, AND ENFORCEMENT OF REGULATIONS, AND OTHER PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT ST;*~TE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF KERR W HEREAS, the Commissioners' Court of Kerr County is the governing body of Kerr County, Texas; WHEREAS, the Commissioners' Court of Kerr County took action to qualify for the National Flood Insurance Program under Section 9, Flood Control and Insurance Act (Article 8280-13, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) after June 30, 1970, and before July 22, 1977; WHEREAS, House Bill No. 11 of the 65th Legislature, First Called Session, requires that actions and proceedings taken by political subdivisions which took action to qualify with respect to participation in and compliance with the National Flood Control and Insurance Act under Section 9 of the Flood Control Insurance Act after June 30, 1970, and before July 22, 1977 be reenacted by the governing body of the political subdivision after July 22, 1977 and before the 60th day after July 22, 1977, or such proceedings and actions shall expire on the 60th day after July 22, 1977; WHEREAS, it is the intent of this Court to continue to participate in and comply with the National Flood Insurance Program under the Flood Control and Insurance Act; WHEREAS, a copy of all actions and proceedings heretofore taken by this Court with respect to participation in and compliance with the National Flood Insurance Program under the Flood Control and Insurance Act are attached hereto, and are by reference incorporated in and made a part of this order; NOW THEREFORE, on this 8th day of August, 1977, in a meeting of the Commissioners' Court of Kerr County, Texas, duly convened and acting in its capacity as governing body of Kerr County, the following members being present; Earl Garrett, Clinton M. Sallee, Victor Lich, and Roger Stone, Commissioners; and County Judge Julius R. Neunhoffer; On motion by Commissioner Sallee seconded by Commissioner Stone and duly passed, it is ORDERED by the Commissioners' Court of Kerr County, Texas, that the actions and proceedings heretofore taken by this Court with respect to participation in and compliance with the National Flood Insurance Program under the Flood Control and Insurance Act, and with specific reference to the documents and instruments attached and appended hereto, are hereby in all things and all respects ratified, confirmed, approved, validated and reenacted. Fam Approved U.:. 9E?aRTMeNT C~ HOUSING AND URBAN D°_VELOPMENT =D_RAL IYSURANCE ADMINISTRATION APPLICATION FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE NATIONAL Fi.00D INSURANCE PROGRAIN* o S~ su~fnitt~d fo: FEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATOR oars Depwtinen- of Noua:ny and Urben D.v°(opm•nt, W°slsinyron, D.C, 211410 Deoember, 1974 Ate= r ~ O':..'Zty , i~X3S F >::GAt=SS'Cxn:>. Stan) ~e^r County Courthouse ?errvil? e, •iexas 78028 2..F Z•`;aL. G=FiCE OR ADEN Cv MITM OV SRA LL R~SPON5131LITv (See Appmdis A(?}) TELEPMON2 ae:"r Cou.Zty Co~nissioners Court 257-7093 A!C,.3t ~ Sf7Nf J! BOJ= Y.~ G:=Y. Sli=.. Z:T GoQ., Kerr Cou_Zty Courthouse ?~nrrville, Texas 78028 & 3iiOCridf~l C^..+lCWATCR (Oflief.l. F1 diflerent 6es abe.e, sith reeponaibilify foe coordlnafln~ proQtaa~) TELEPMON[ --sable as above-- -same as above-- w GCR£SS !S Wen a Bos :Ye. Ci y~, Sur.. ZIP Cod.) --sane zs above-- A. +'3RST =COCA E'6.dVAT1GYe INFOQMATIC1e ri1LL 3E RSCOR7E7 BY: (See Appendix A(3)) TELE~MONE Qfiice of the Kerr County Commissioners Court 257-7093 wxwsss ae=..! e. D.:.re.e ws~.r sae.. zrr eea.) 3e~'r County Courthouse 3arrville, Texas 78028 :ON i Ca1MJN1 RE ( ORY fr R PUSL=C DNS GTION Or RIA MA,i 0~~"ice aP the Kerr County Cammissianers Court Ksrr County Courthou:~e Kerrville Texas 78028 , rs. ESTIMATES fOR OMLY THOS[ AREAS SUBJECT TO FL000 AND~OR MUOSLIOE AS IfNOWN AT THE TIME Of APPLICATION AR[A PO PLUTION NO. OF 1-L RAMtLV f'TR<•nclc~secl Separate Cuter Other t_ a. C~pizs of those se:tio;s of e;c;tirg ord•,nan~~s adopted by the :: ^::r:u: t:y u'; i:; .:,:e: ..: .e:c.irz,;:c:,a :,; Se:run 19103(al • :..: yr !910.-i(a) of the encic .d p:u~ram regulations (Appen- XX b. '.there natiortal buildi:,z :u.'.es tBOCa, \BC. SSBC, t.iBC,etc.) o; ~t.::z building cedes rs~e ~r:n ad.pted lordly, copies of the !e:.'~:i:e r.:zsurzs aw^t:::z tLc~~ cues should be submitted and `1/~ r,:•_ ;he ~J~IeS lherltSel\'eS. _ -- _ - -. :. !f bw:ding permits ar= sl;r~y rzouirzd for all construction, L1 t.i !JCai regulations do ret tart: :in s?eatic rz:ogrtition of flood . :a; •;ds (1i required in Se:c:on lYl U dal 13)-(~) andJor 1910.~(a) . •~; :he program regulations_ ~ppazrt3ii C). thin the Resolution in VGA Ap~ndix B-1 and/or B-!1 rr~ay ce sdoptrd and submitted. , _. __._ _ d. la uses where the appii,~ttt has extraterritorial jurisdiction oti:: the :ssuan,e of build= a cr:rr~ts outsidr its normal b~und- v ~he extent and app{i:ability of this ariei, a full explanation o: :l/A autl-urity must bz included_ _ ~_ 1l. A resolution ountaining, at a ttd..imum, the information listed in t};e :n ;Deed Sample Rzseiution !~p_rxndir .~-). The iterru ran- . 13*2:1 in thr Resolution ::r. ta.n from Section 1909?? of the p.*c~r:tm regulations (.~ppz;sdix C)_ ' XX 111. Two copies of a base map ~:~ t:,z .omnunity clearly delineatin; its ::,!r~ur_te limits which .a.-t be -zprc~3uced for publication. The m.,p sha~.id approxim~at: :o :. :xtent possible the enclosed S;~:ple Ba;z \1ap (Appendix Dl. XX _._.-~____ ______ 1ti~. A !'tap of the enure aria ;rca :he cummunit~'s jurisdiction, i,'.z:ity ing arena known to ^r ~L~_r;t :o !boding and'ur mud3lidc, ^d 3huw~nQ tha names a' rtir~s batis 3ulfs lases and similar ' ~ XX bi~Ca of water. This may ?•a a .~-:-:r.:'rd dr-swine. _..__ _Y. _._._~ ~'. A ~~py' o: any studies or tepore., preprzd by a Federat agency (Official FIA Plood , (L'.S. Army Corps of Erg:.rns. li.S. Geological Survey, Soil hazard IIBDS have Ca:!3er~~tiun Service.etc.l bnta:sting fluoci and; or mudslide inFor• been prepared for ' m~::on about gout cumrnunity, A detailed study of the cum- the eozrmunities Of • ,~r~ty's r7ood ha2ard areas will ^a arrar[ged by the Federal Insur• Hunt Sn3 Ingram, an.x Administration at no .ost :•~ the cammunity. However. to Which are located in as~.ad duplir;ttion, pease 3i.'b!T~[ a .ony- of any- availabiz studies or Kerr COtanty ~ . reports. li a copy cannot Er ob*.2ttxd, please provide information as :o wi`ere we may lo~•ate 3' r.py_ tf rto formal rep