~mmi¢ ~. ~u¢~t~C¢r' COUNTY CLERK KERR COUNTY KERRVIL LE, TEXAS 78028 July 1, 1977 HONORABLE COMMISSIONERS' COURT KERR COUNTY KERRVILLE, TEXAS 78028 Gentlemen: I respectfully request that you give consideration to a salary adjustment for the following employees, effective as of July 1, 1977: Pearl McEwen, Deputy County Clerk, from $6865.00 per annum to $7165.00 per annum ($572.08 per month to $597.08 per month), which is an increase of $300.00 per annum. Donna Witt, Deputy County Clerk, from $6570.00 per annum to $6870.00 per annum ($547.50 per month to $572.50 per month), which is an increase of $300.00 per annum. Thanking you, I remain, ~~ c EMMIE M. MUENKER County Clerk, Kerr County Kerrville, Texas EMM/dp ,~-. 7r it -:.': c. i ~~" co~rsTY APPROVAE~~I Rg~UMUEE~NI AND D 13NA CLERKr S FOR PEARL WITTE DEPUTIES ~ -1.1-7 7 t ;l ~' ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~