~~t~0 THE STATE OF TEXAS X COUNTY OF KERB X BE IT that there was begun and holden on the 11th day of December 1978, at 10:00 o'clock A. M., in the City of Kerrville, Texas, a regular term of Commissioners' Court, with the following officers present: JULIUS R. NEUNHOFFER County Judge EARL GARRETT Commissioner Precinct No. 1 CLINTON M. SALLEE Commissioner Precinct No. 2 VICTOR LICH Commissioner Precinct No. 3 ROGER STGNE Commissioner Precinct No. 4 and the Court having duly opened, the following proceedings were had: NO. 13523 APPROVAL OF CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS On this the 11th day of December 1978, came on to be examined by the Court, the various claims and accounts against Y.err County and the respective Commissioners' Precincts, since the last term of Court, which claims and accounts were approved for payment by the Auditor and Treasurer, in amounts and out of Road and Bridge Precinct No. 1, 2, 3 and 4, General, Officers Salary, County Law Library, Jury, Kerr County Public Library, 216th District Probation, Kerr County Juvenile Probation, Flood Damage Repair, General Road and Bridge and Kerr County Jail Construction Funds, as shown in the Minutes of Accounts Allowed, from page 115 thru 119, which were made a part hereof and of this order. Notion made by Commissioner Garrett, seconded by Commissioner Sallee and unanimously approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o NO. 13524 MONTHLY REPORTS OF COUNTY AND PRECINCT OFFICERS OF KERR COUNTY APPROVED On this the 11th day of December 1978, came on to be examined by the Court the various reports of November of the County and Precinct Officials of Kerr County, Texas, the same having been heard and considered by the Court, finds that said reports be accepted, therefore, upon motion made by Commissioner Sallee, seconded by Commissioner Lich, the Court unanimously approved that the submitted reports be accepted and filed with the County Clerk for Future reference and subject to audit. EMMIE M. MUEIQI:ER, County Clerk, collection of fees of office $ 7954.80 EMMIE M. MUENKER, County Clerk, fines, judgments, etc. 2610.00 MARY BROOI:S, District Clerk, Report for November 1978 2903.60 PAUL FIELDS, Sheriff, Report for November 1978 216.00 SPENCER [1. BRO[N, Justice of the Peace, Prec. 1, fines & costs 3168.00 P & 4J. L. 133.25 BEVERLY HARRISON, Justice of the Peace, Prec. 2, P & W. L. 237.75 fines & costs 50.00 JOHN P. HILL, Justice of the Peace, Prec. 4, P & 4T. L. 133.75 fines & costs 144.00 ROBERT L. BRANTLEY, SR., Justice of the Peace, Prec. 5, P & [V. L. 731.00 fines & costs 177.50 CLAYTON MILTON, Public [4eigher, Scale Receipts, November 1978 141.00 D[4IGHT HARKEY, County Agent, Report for November 1978 JERRILYN RAY, Home Demonstration Agent, Report for November 1978 JANICE WHITE, County Health Nurse, Report for November 1978 o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o NO. 13525 DECEMBER PAYDAY SET FOR DECEMBER 21, 1978 On this the 11th day of December 1978, upon motion made by Commissioner Garrett, seconded by Commissioner Sallee, the Court unanimously approved that the December payday be set for December 21, 1978, for officials, employees and allowances. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o T1O. 13526 APPROVAL OF CHANGE OF NAME OF PLAT OF CANYON SPRINGS SECTION FOUR TO TITS NAME OF CAVE SPRING ADDITION SECTION FOUR On this the 11th day of December 1978, upon motion made by Commissioner Stone, seconded by Commissioner Garrett, the Court unanimously approved change of name of Plat of Canyon 411 i'Springs Section Four to the name of Cave Spring Addition Section Four and that a Plat in the name of Cave Spring Addition Section Four be filed for record with the County Clerk of Kerr County, Texas. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o IQO. 13527 APPROVAL OF ANNUAL PAYMENT TO SID PETERSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL On this the 11th day of December 1978, upon motion made by Commissioner Stone, seconded by Commissioner Sallee, the Court unanimously approved an annual payment to Sid Peterson Memorial Hospital in the amount of $3500.00, as budgeted, payable out of the General Fund, toward care of indigent patients. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o TdO. 13528 REQUEST OF AIME FRANK REAL FOR USE OF AGRICULTURE EXHIB.ITIOId BUILDING FOR D4AY 11 & 12, 1979 GRANTED On this the 11th day of December 1978, upon motion made by Commissioner Stone, seconded by Commissioner Garrett, the Court unanimously approved that the request of Aime Frank Real -- for the use of the Agriculture Exhibition Building for the annual Club Lamb Sale be granted, for May 11th and 12th, 1979, - - - - - - - - - - - - - at a charge of $100.00 per day, plus clean-up, and if clean-up is not satisfactorily performed by user, an additional $150.00 is to be charged. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o IdO. 13529 ORDER APPROVING REQUEST OF CONTRACTOR, C. A. LOGEMAN, INC. FOR PAYMENT TdO. 20 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF KERR COUNTY CORRECTION-DETENTION FACILITY On this the 11th day of December 1978, came on to be examined by the Court, the Con- tractor's Request for Payment No. 20 of the Construction Contract for the Kerr County Correc- tion-Detention Facility. Said request for payment having been examined by Lester B. Whitton, P. E. and A. B. Swank, F.A.I.A. and recommended to the Court that payment be made to C. A. Logeman, Inc., in the amount of $6,107.65. Therefore, upon motion made by Commissioner Lich, seconded by Commissioner Sallee, the Court unanimously approved the Contractor's Request for Payment No. 20 of the Construccion Contract and the Auditor and Treasurer are hereby authorized to draw a voucher in the amount of $6,107.65, payable to C. A. Logeman, Inc., out of the Kerr County Jail Construction Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o NO. 13530 COMMISSIONERS' COURT ORDER SELECTING INCREASES IN BENEFITS THERETOFORE GRANTED, CREDITS FOR FUTURE RETIREMENTS OR ADDITIONAL COVERAGES ALLOYdABLE UNDER SUBSECTION 11 OF SECTION VI THE STATE OF TEXAS X COUNTY OF RERR J( On this the 11th day of December, 1973, the Commissioners' Court of Kerr County, Texas, was convened in Regular session at a December Term of said Court, with the following members present, to wit: Julius R. Neunhoffer, Earl Garrett, Clinton M. Sallee, Victor Lich, Roger Stone, Emmie M. Muenker, County Judge Commissioner, Precinct IQO. 1 Commissioner, Precinct IQo. 2 Commissioner, Precinct No. 3 Commissioner, Precinct No. 4 County Clerk; and at such session, among other proceedings, the following order was passed;