~ ~~~ STATE OF TEXAS X ' X COUNTY OF KERR X KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: This contract, made by and between A, P. ALLi~>on & wife,Irene,hereinaffer called OWNERS, the County of Kerr, Texas, hereinafter called COUNTY; and the STATE OF TEXAS, acting herein by and through the STATE .-}IGHWAY APdD PLBLIC TRANSPORTATION CUI~•SISSION, herein- af ter called STATE : WI'T:~ESSF.•.TH tvHEREAS, the parties hereto mutually agree that the recanstruc.tion and realignr;~ent of portions of F. M, 479 right of way, b~tweer. Interstate Highway 10 and L'. S, highway 290 in Kerr County, Texas, will apparently cause a port:i_on or portions of. the present right of way of F. M. 479 to becon~.e surplus to the State's purposes and of no use to the citizens as a road, said portion or portions being her~inaftex called SURPLUS RIGHT OF WAY and being more particularly described in E,~chibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof. WHEREAS, the parties hereto mutually agree that said revisions will necessitate the OWNERS' conveying to the State of Texas, thc~ fee title, less ail, gas and sulphur, to certain land hereinafter called NEW RIGHT OF WAY, said NL'W KIGHT OF WAX being more particularly described in Exhibit B, attached hereti; and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, it is mutually agreed that a1.1 parties hereta will benefit by an exchange, and the STATE is willing to r.ocommend such an ex~~.han~,c~ to r}.e ~~~~,~rnor of Texas, provided the St'RPL~L?S RLGLiz' OT' t•~1Y beco~~~~. el i„ibl.e tor. s~;c_li :~~+'. ~ r.r'i~ ~;~r•, unclc~r~ Article 6673x, V. A.C.S., and 0~~°vERS :-art, ~illi~ng to c:n~•ev r';._ ~;.... I:l.G(i'T OF ',.':`,1 to the STATE in exchange and as part c: c•~nsider.ation for. anti ;-r~:~r to t}ie St rte's convt~~,'a^c~ to :alci 01,'NF..RS; and 1JElEREAS, the parties hereta mutually agree ,tnd understand tl«:rt *l.,x STATE'S con-- veyance of the SUI~I'LUS RIGl1T OF :;'A'r is sub.j~~c.t to approval of thc> Off ice of the Attorney General of Texas, and executich o£ z~ deed by the GOVERNOR OF TEXAS, and further that the extent of the STATE'S Liability and obligation is to recom- mend to the Governor that he execute a proper instrument t.o the OWNERS subject to Article 6673a, V.A.C.S., as mutually agreed upon and as provided here3_nafter; NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed and understood by the parties hereto that: 1. OWNERS will execute a STATfs right oI way deed form canveying fee title, less ail, gas and sulphur', to the NEiti' RIGHT OF WAS: to the State of Texas, said deed will r.PC:zte the c~~nsideratio.l as being "one da:~_lar and other g~~:~d and valuab7 _~ car.;i~jerati~ns'' and will be delivered to the STATE'S representative= within (30; days <-rfter date of this contract. 2. In consideration of the above, the STATE at its earliest opportunity, after satisfactory completion o£ the aforementioned realignment and construction, will, subject to Article 6673sed F.M. Highway No. 479, THENCE with south right of way line of proposed F.M. Higha,ay No. x+79, South 75°i3'02" East, 255.52 feet to a paint at the intersecti~~;, of the South right of way line of proposed F.M. Highway No. 479 and the South right cf way line of existing F.M. Highway No. 479, THENCE with South right of way line of existing F.M. Hiy1~~~~~y No. 479 as follows; South 88°53'00" West, 787.30 feet, South 88°3S' S3" Wes t, 191.72 feet to the place ui !,ug i nr, i ng ar,~4 containing an area of 2.?9t3 acres of land nK;rc ~r '« ss. a ' . t'~' -. .. ices ~~ Pa;o 1 ~f 2 Caatrel ~ t . x. y?9 1ti~BIT e tared = ' 2.~.1k trtres of land, Hare ts+r itss, out of rnc# a part of that cc:rtd,in 7Qi.8 acre. tract of land, said 2.414 acres,~more or less, being out of ti;c ~~,~arrc~ (r}rr inc Cc,rpany Survey No, i0, Abstract No. 2015, t:err County, Texas, sai~~ 7Gi.P arc tract firing the same land described in r c~_etS from CiarencN ti,•IiF<..~[,~•r, ~••. ,.~. t~~ -~. P. J,l i isua, et ux, dated August 23, 19f••, recorded In b'c,i+.mx• lei , p~ y~..~ ~,~1-5~3, Deed f?ecards of Karr County, Texas said parcel cif ',a.•.' t~s.~iny_ r-.~it' particularly described by antes and bounds ars follows; BEGINNING at a point of intersection of thn ~+xisting east ri:;!lr cif way 1 is~_r :>"-,d the proposed west right of way line of F.M. Highway No. 47y, sai^ i:,,,int being Nc~r:`, 1°28'OJ" West, E>82,8~' and North 88'32'00" East, 70.00' from are c•r.isting inrc•riv~- corner of the A-. P. All iso~n, et ux property andl being further- :~cscribed as ce'.ng 4G. i2 feet at right angles from Englneer's Station 298+31.53 a+, fire eenteri ir,c of pr~~posed F'.M, iiighway No. 479; THENCE with the existing east right of wati line of f.M. Nlgi7way .(v. 479, s~3r ..• tcinC~ the west property fins of the A. F, i~l l icon, tt ux property, P.c.~rth 1°iy'55" '.'~•~*, 307.05 feet to a point of intcrsectlun of the existln3 east ri~;`'t of ~,~r l i:~~ ti,;i fir the prc}~i3ted vest right of way lint cif F.H. Nic~hway hci, i+7y, 5,•i~i ~»ir7t !~~ir:; 37.t+~ reef at rig^h: angles frc~~ Engir.eer'S Stati~~n 3~1+26.f?~ on the c, ,1[~•rlir~~• r:i ;,r~ i, •aecl F . Fi. N~ ~hway I:o 479; THENCE South 15'55'50" East, 2.18.8 fc~t to a point, said point ~•~•ir,r3 rx(r,~l:r i~~r•t .~r right ar,glts frt`m Engineer's Station 2g9{tit+.00 an the centerlir,c c t i~rcf~c,5ec~ (".ti. highway No. 479; THi;NCc South 25`je'S0" r!f.:st, 192.;7 feet to .~ point, said point !~~•',r,ci t,U.7 '.,•c~t dt rl ~~1: c7f1.'~iE'S from Engineer's Stdtiori Z'!~tQ0,00 on feet cent{ r ! rn^ of j,r~,,~•~`it;d F . K. ii i t311Way t'+10 . 479, THENCE South 35°Sb'S0" East. 192.77 feet to a f*oint, said ~i•JiriC '>einy `i0.0'3 ;act at right angles from Engineer's Station 295+~10.Q0 an the c~,-~,~,tvr' ir.,~ of ,~r+ ;: ~..~~,i f . hl. H i gtn.~ay No . 479: THENCE South 4,">5'S0" East, iG1•i? fc~~ t. t• ,~ ~-int, ~;ai<~ ~~~,. ~~ ,;J at riglet. angles From En~~ine•~r's _ :_3tic~~• ':'J.u~ un tip,<= _ ~ .r-l ; ~ ~>i ;,r F.M. Highway No. 479; TNENCir South 55 56'S~" East, '~~2.,'/ fEf'f {~, ~i UJ~'~~, 'ScSiL; ~..~,',. ~. ~~t~ ... t at rig'~t an.~le5 fror+ EngineNr S 5t~it ic~,~ '~" ~ "''~.l') ~n tt~e c~ ~trri i+ r;f , , F .H. N i yhw•ay No. 479: THENCE ,:mouth 65'Sii'S0" East, 192 ii t~'~'' :~, a p,-,int, said p~_~int ~ any ~ "`,~~. .? at ric;',t angles frcxn Engineer's StaCic~n ~ ~?+J{).CO can the C~~~,'_~•t~i ir ~,' of ~,r-c,r ~;', . . h, i; i ~i,•..ay uo.479; ~IT 1~ !~3 ~ Tasesl 2 Patio 2 st' 2 TtiE1~CE South 7S'Sb'S0" East, 192.77 f~r_t. to a potnC, said i,~~ir~t toeing 40.00 `~a~~;c at right angles from Engineer's Station :'.87+00.00 on the ccr,c~:{-!inn of proposed4 F . M. !'. i gtn,~ay No. 479: T}fEhCE South 8G°O1'Sb" East, 19G.03 feet tv a point, said pnir,t being 40.010 fe~.t at ri9hi angles from Engineer's i'C Stati~~n 2E'++96.61 on the c~r;,tcrline of propu~ed f . M, fl i ghway No. 479; TF?ENCE 'worth $3°53'00" East, 41.5.$9 feet to a point, said ~~~~ir~ ~~eing 40.0:, fe~:t t right angi~s from Engineer's PT 4tation 280+50,72 vn the u~~rtturlinc~ of i,rctposed r' . M, t? i g`t~.ay 1~0, 1479 TtiFNCE South 89°16'0$" East, 191+.97 feet to .~ point of inters ~tion of the ,:xi;tinq r~~rtit right of ~,-ay {ine with the proposed no; th right of tv~~y I ir.r~ of F..1. Niy~ .. ~~ `+~~.1, said point ~Ciflg 45.11 fret at right an~~l,~:; t role Engineer`: ' ' ~n 2;+~~.:?' , the cents rl ine of proposed F,Pt. ~'igh•;;ay t~~•. 479; THENCE with the existing north r'~ht ,tf ti.~~y 1i~~c of i-.M, ifii~j'...,y ;io. '>J~; ~ ~ :":,vs• ~ g °,3'04" West Sour:., 3 ~37. '3 t r e: !' , , Sou;`t S~`~~4'28" West, 3,~0. ~'' fret, > , ;. =;3; i ,~ 1 -1: 1i'~'t ~:~ .t x~int Sai~, n~ f, ,, T~t E1,~:. t,orth 65'Sh 50 West ~ . , i ; .. ~ 5. dC rl~~tt .l;1C~iC5 from En9inerr'.`; .~,~7tI.` it4~Q,~;U (l;l the C;~';?" ~ftlt~ Cf i7r~_':~.~~ ~ (~.M. ~~iy'r.~ay r~:,, 479; iNENCE tiorth .55°56'50'' West, 20~'.5n f-• t t-~ a i:,.~int, Said p~~i~~r 'sing -;~.G~ ~<.~! .~t right angles from Engineer's Station :>j3+0O.00 on the cel,t~:c-iine of E;rc,; ;, F . M, t, i ~;It,.~y No. 47g; Ti;thCE t;Jrth 4~,°56'50" WcSt, 20i ~ E~'~'t to a point, Said poir~° `;eing `+r~ +',) F~~+'t ~'. right angles from Engini~r'S Stati,;n 2);+UJ,00 on the ce.;~t.r~s iinr of }~r•:.;. ,~ i F . fit. t- i ~h,.ray t;v. =+79; (Ni•`Ni.i= N •rth 3~~5`a~50" West. 2~7.5~'~•.•t t~3 ,~ p~~int, said p'.;ir t tJ('.in~l 1,+ ." ~ ;~•, . at ri,'rt angles from Engineer's ~::r. i~~it :'?;+~J.cr~ on tht~ cent~•r t it ~t cf + ; ..:~. F . n. !.; c~t,..ay too. 1T79: T}iEMEE Nprth 2~`07'Sj" West, 13~~.G9 finest t~~ i'rre p1aGe cf bc~q'r,r~'r; . any contair:in•; an nrca of 2.414 .+:;res »pany Survey No. 10, Abstract No. 2015, 1.244 acres out of the H, E. 6 W. T, R, R. Cornpany Survey tlu, 1848 Abstract No. 1452, said tract of land being more particul~irly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at an interior fence corner of the A. P. Ailisun, et ux pr<~perty, in the North right of way line of existing Farm to N~arket Highway No, 479, said point belnq North 2°52'26" West, 27.0 feet from a South property corner of the A, P. Allsio~, et ux property, THENCE with the East right of way line of existing F.M. Higi,way No. i+7y as follows: South 02°52'26" East, 19].75 feet, South 14°3'43" East, 120.62 feet, South 02°35'00" East, 4UO,CD feet, South 87°25'OU" West, 7i.OU feet to a point ir, ;tie rest riy;t of way 1lne of ex;stir~y F.M,' F'igl•way No, 479, THENCE with the West right of ~..~y 14r~e of existing F.M, ;li~l'!l~ijy !~,_,, t~79 „~ follows: Korth 02°35'00" Test, North 17°09'27'' West, North 41°24'21" West, North 68°19'53" west, North 80°32'25" Wcst, North 8 5'24'22" West, zEOC. ~:~ fe,^t, IC3.3~' fret, 152.8: feet, 82.i~i3 feet, 70.iU fret, 2G.1!~ fesr., South 8$°53'00" West, 378]1 feet: to a point at tl~c i,~tersi~cti~r, c,t the North right of way line of proposed F.M. Highway fo. 479 and rh~~ `~-~uth right of way line of existing F.M. Highway No. 1+/y. THENCE with the North right of way line of proposed F.M. Niyhway No, 479 as follows: North 68°34'51" west, 64.33 fe.t, North 78°34'51" West, 208.92 feet to a point at the intersection of thew `:~; North right of way i ine of proposed F.M. Highway tJo. 479 and thy: "forth ' ; right of way line of e xisting F.M. Highway No. 479, , '? THENCE with the North right cf way 1 Ina of existing F.M. -ii<~h,+ay No, 47y a_ follows: ^ North 88'53'00" East, 362,07 fact, -4~t.. North 89'05' 17" East, 280.00 f~~~:~t, South 85'15'03" East, 14~.%; fact, tiorth 88°53'12" East, 183.1;} fr~:t to the pl~.c+. ~ i,,.n;,;nir~y a; „ :,~ ~~~nta ining an .area of 2.612 ~jc„.y c~f land rsrore ~~, i•:ss. ~~'~ Corr C,oaorit~- Paae I ei 2 Central e29-2 t. ilk. 47R E~IHIHI! e' tercel 1 2.510 acrus of land, Hare or less, out of ..;,d a part of ti,.+t c+ ~ ~ :;n 7~~'.(~ :,. rc~ tract of land, said 2.510 acres, r;iorr.: ~~r I:~ss, briny out cif ~ ~' E, t. ':'. T. R, Cnr;~an} Survey No. 1848, Abstract No. l++ ' ` Kerr County, T<~x~+~ ~ i ci ~47.Ct ~.:.r-~~ pct being the same land described in a deed fr~~ r Nrs. Kate lv'alkrr, =.1 to '-!. ~ ',,.~ik>~les from Engineer's 5*.ation :.~ aCt>.OC cn khe un~ t. ~'~ ~,~e ~?e ;~r ;,,:sec: f , M, ti i gh~~ay No. 4]9: THENCE youth 27°33'36" East, 213.32 feet to a point of • interse~~tir~1 or tt-.~>_ pre f;u;~d east ri;''t of way line and the exi>Ling r•n:st right of way tine r.,f '~,t1, l;in~.~.~y ^lr~. ~r79, s.,rJ point being 41,]2 fee[ at rig.;trt <-ngtes from~Engineer'•. Station 26F;+9'r.20 can Zhe c<:r-,tcrline of proiosed F.M. tiigt~•ray No. 479; >i>>~8I! - O~sti. l~as'Itel 1 Pais 2 of 2 THENCE with the existiry vrrest right of way line, same being the east property Ifne of the 0. t!, Walker. et u~c property, South 2'35'00" East, a cSi stance of 617.90 feet to a point of intersection of the existing west right of way l ir;t~ with th..r {,reposed east right of way line of f.M, Highway No. 479, said point bt~ing ;5.0 f~~~t ~,ir.~ inc} ~+ .^~ et; ~l right <~ngles from Engineer's PC Station :: C,2+80.oS on the cc~;'_ rl ~ e ~ ' {~r~,;~~ ,cd F . M. High+~ray t;o. 479: ri?Ei~~.E t~.~rth 8`0415611 West, 211.95 fCi~t t~) a pc`Int, $a!d El~)li'~r, .iU ;' 7'f~t ~:' :f t~O.Cv fee*_ at r;g'-~t angles fror,~ Eng?r~~er's Station 265+i~0,C~) ~ ,~ _ c~_~:~tcr-1 i,~, of pr~F~~7sed F.M. highway No, 479; TNENCE North 18°34'51" Y'est, 192.77 feet to a point, said pc~irlt L~~in~ =+'~1.L+: fr_~r'_ at ris`tt angles fray Engineer's Station 267+00.00 on the cent~~ri ine r7( prti,osed F . K. F{ i ghway No. 479: TFii:t3CE North 28°34'51" Hest, 192.77 feet to a point, said point being '+0.00 feet at ri,ht angles from Engineer's Station 269+00,00 on the centr~rline of pr<~posed F , M. Ei i ghway No . 479; THENCE North 38°34'51" Wit, 192.77 feet toe point, said point hc~ing t+0.00 f~:et at right angles from Engineer's Station 271+00.00 on the centerline of proposed F.M. Highway No. 479; THEN+:.E N,~rth 48°34'51" West, 192.77 feet to a point, said point i.Ling -E0.00 feet at right angles from Engineer's Station 273+-00,00 on the eentc~rlir~~ of proposed F . N. ±i i ghway No. 479; TE~EN+".i' North $$°34'51" West, 192.77 feat to a point, said i~oint f einc~ 40.00 fe+.t vt right angles from Engineer's Station 215+00,00 on the ctint-:rlir:c ref proposed F . M. Ei i ghway No. 479; T>1~NCE North 6Q''34'S1" West, 192.77 feet to a po?nt, said }:•~int '. ping I;O.GO fc<~c at right ankles from Engineer's Station ?77+00.00 on the ,-~ ~ ~-i~r~c ;'- nr{;~~ ~~ ' F.M. Highway Nn. 479; THENCE Nort'r. 7F`34'S1" West, 192.?7 feet :~: a pointf said p..~i~ i~•inq ~+r!..~ at right angles from Engineer's 5tatic~s+ ~;':+0~'t.O0 on the r,.r,~c !i ~_,i ;~ f .M. !tigh+4~y P.n. '+79; THENCE North t;) 20'56" =•~':a*, it;5.j> i-•:t tc. .i point, said i 'i'`. !.•inci ~._.C:'~ ~ at rig'~t angles from Engine<•r's i'T Sty:t ic~r~ 2fi0~r1,7?. c.~n ti~c• ,_~:•ntc ~ r in~_ cif i„. F.M. Nignway No. 479; THENCE South 88`53'00" West, 4•'-`x.99 fc.~r~t tc~ a point, Bald F~ir~: t,cing tr0.'~G f~ . at right angtcs from Engineer's, i'i; St.~iiun 2F',-t~G.61 on thr• c~.::±~~rllne c,f F>r~.,pr:~.~~! F.M. :tigh~ay No, 479; ?HENCE North 87°23'11" West, 91.29 fc^t tc, thr. place of beginnin~i and c<~nt~iinir:~; ti., area of 2.510 as:res of land, rr~re or less. 1_._..___ ___._a_..._._._.__.~.~ i ~'~'~'It~i~~~d Y . r_.-.......ro.. _......._..