423 COURT COI7VENED IN SPECIAL SESSION JANUARY 17th, 1979 at 11:10 o'clock A. M., .... with the following officers present: JULIUS R. NEUNHOFFER County Judge EARL GARRETT Commissioner Precinct No. 1 FRANK L. SPEAKMON Commissioner Precinct Ito. 2 VICTOR LICH Commissioner Precinct No. 3 BILLY JOE GUTHRIE, JR. Commissioner Precinct No. 4 and the Court having duly opened, the following proceedings were had: TdO. 13585 ORDER AUTHORIZING COUNTY ATTORNEY TO INTERVENE IN DELINQUENT TAX SUITS PENDING IN DISTRICT COURT On this the 17th day of January 1979, came on to be heard and considered by the Court the necessity of authorizing and directing County Attorney James C. Nogues to act on behalf of Kerr County and the State of Texas in the matter of intervening and filing claims in the 216th Judicial District Court of Kerr County, pursuant to Article 7345b, Texas Civil Statutes, the said causes being delinquent tax suits, listed as follows: Docket Number Name 6702 Marcelino Martinez, et al 6918 Henry Griffin 7004 Joe D. Abercrombie, et al 7042 Gerry W. Mayes 7043 Richard B. Ferris, et al 78-91-A B. W. Grady 78-96-A Gladys C. Mull 78-103-A Jose L. Sanchez, et al It appearing to the Court that the Kerr County Tax Collector has been heretofore served with Citation in said causes on behalf of Kerr County and the State of Texas and that inter- vention and filing of a claim in these causes is required to preserve the claims of I:err County and the State of Texas arising from delinquent taxes due them and constituting a lien on the property which is subject to the said delinquent tax suits, it is ordered on motion by Commissioner Garrett, seconded by Commissioner Lich, and unanimously approved by the Court that the County Attorney be authorized and directed to proceed to file an intervention in the said causes as above set forth and otherwise proceed according to law in this matter. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o NO. 13586 ORDER ACCEPTING GRANT AGREEMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOUIS SCHREINER FIELD b1UNICIPAL AIRPORT AND AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY JUDGE TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF KERR COUNTY On this the 17th day of January 1979, upon motion made by Commissioner Lich, seconded by Commissioner Speakmon, the Court unanimously approved acceptance of a Grant Agreement between the State of Texas, acting through The Texas Aeronautics Commission and the City of Kerrville and County of Kerr, for development of the Louis Schreiner Field Idunicipal Airport, TAC Project No. 793-24. It is ordered by the Court that the County Judge, Julius R. Neunhoffer, be authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of Kerr County. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o NO. 13587 APPROVAL OF CLAIM OF COUNTY CLERK, EMMIE M. MUENKER, FOR POSTAGE •-- On this the 17th day of January 1979, upon motion made by Commissioner Guthrie, seconded by Commissioner Speakmon, the Court unanimously approved the claim of County Clerk, Emmie M. Muenker, for postage, in the amount of $25.00, for Second Special Election for State Representative 56th District.