ORDER NO. 13875 ORDER AUTHORIZING DISBURSEMENTS OF FUNDS FOR GENERAL WITNESS EXPENSE IN CAUSE NO. 522 OF THE 198TH DISTRICT COURT OF KERR COUNTY On this the 10th day of December, 1979, came on to be heard and considered by the Court an order entered on the 7th day of December, 1979 by the Hon. V. Murray Jordan, District Judge, in Cause No. 522 now pending on the docket of the 198th District Court of Kerr County, a copy of which order is filed with the Clerk of this Court, and which order directs the payment of general witness expense in the amount of $2,500.00; and it appearing to the Court that it is the legal obligation of Kerr County to advance such funds at this time, it is ordered on motion by Commissioner Lich seconded by Commissioner Speakmon and unanimously approved by the Court that Kerr County advance such reimbursable funds to the District Clerk of Kerr County; and it is further ordered that a voucher in the amount of $2, 500. 00 be drawn on the General Fund of Kerr County payable to the Clerk of the District Court of Kerr County. NO. 522 THE STATE OF TEXAS x VS. X IN THE DISTRICT COURT KERB COUNTY, TEXAS DONALD EDWARD SMITH, JR. x • 198TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT ORDER On this ~ day of December, A,D. , 1979, came on and to be heard the Appl lotion of Donald Edward Smith, Jr., for funds for witness [n this cause and the Court being oP the opinion that same should be granted, it is hereby ORDERED that the Comm[ssbners' Court of Kerr County, Texas, shall tender to the District Clerk of Kerr County, Texas, the following sums and amounts 7! #2500 ~"~. g~-7r6~ Gv,rn.t-ss ExPc-h,sr m ",6~ Dis,sve.sEV ,B~ F~,~ntE=.2 ©.eo~"-~. of Tl~ f ~~ti~ and the Clerk of thls Court is ORDERED Oo distribute said money as or~(e,-e~{ ~bD secure the attendances of said witness in thls cause, EXECUTED this ~ day of r~ ~p Files _ 7__DAy ef___ {~A.D. 19_L1 at _1_!`'~i o'clock __=Z!___M. Clerk C r~ t ttt, ., County, Toim av~M THE STATE OF TEXAS :D..(1979. ~.r, ~ ...y ,,.,... r ~, v .+ysa 198 Judicial D stri t Court Ke r County, exa COUNTY OF KERR j I, MARY BROOKS, Clerk of the District Court, Kerr County, Texas, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of: Order to distribute witness funds In Cause No. 522 and styled: The State of Texas vs. Donald Edward Smith Jr. as the same appears on file in 1tm~x Ratgex /as manifest in my office. TN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have set my hand and official seal of office this the 7th day of December 19 79 . ~' MARY BROOKS, District Clerk by.,~y( ,~,~~ C-~~2'l~ deputy Kerr County, Texas /~ ~-?S' s'-2 `f ,-<; , -. ?`oi . `.