~~3 budgeted. SUBCONTRACTING The District may subcontract with any person or entity or political subdivision of the State of Texas to provide any of the services to be provided by the District pursuant to this contract. The District may specifically contract with any appriasal firm, mapping firm or computer service firm without obtaining the consent of the Taxing Units. ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS (1) All expenses and capital outlays incurred by the District for the appraisal of r~- property and the operations of the office shall be clearly kept on the books and records of the District. The Taxing Units, their assessors, governing bodies, auditors, and legal represtntatives are privileged to check the records kept by the District at such reasonable times and intervals as the Taxing Units deem fit. Such books and records shall be kept in the offices of the District. A copy of the audit report shall be furnished the governing body of each Taxing Unit. (2) Upon dissolution of this contract all records, equipment, or other properties in the possession or control of the District shall remain in the District's possession or control for use in fulfilling the District's responsibilities under the provisions of the Property Tax Code. (3) Taxing Units agree to provide copies of all records necessary for the performance of the duties and responsibilities of the District pursuant to this contract by July 1, 1980 and shall be entitled to reasonable compensation for the cost of such copies. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS The Taxing Units hereby agree that the District is authorized to accept grants and ~~ contributions from any public or private sources not prohibited by law. EXECUTED AT KERRVILLE, TEXAS in duplicate originals on the date and year first written above. KERB COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT /s/ Rudolph H. Weiss Chairman, Board of Directors ATTEST: /s/ Jack B. Cox Secretary ''KERB COUNTY, TEXAS /s/ Julius R. Neunhoffer County Judge ATTEST: /s/ Emmie M. Muenker County Clerk SEAL) Filed 2 day of July A.D. 1980 TIME: 1:15 P.M. /s/ Emmie M. Muenker Clerk County Court, Kerr County, Texas o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o NO. 14062 ORDER AUTHORIZING ADVANCE PAYMENTS TO THE KERB COUNTY TAX APPRAISAL DISTRICT FOR PROPERTY TAX APPRAISAL SERVICES On this the 30th day of June, 1980, came on to be heard and considered by the Court the matter of authorizing advance payments to the Kerr County Tax Appraisal District for Property Tax Appraisal services to be provided Kerr County for the year 1981 pursuant to a contract entered into this date; ~~~~ and it appearing to the Court that it is in the best interests of Kerr County to have the District's appraisal contract with Southwestern Appraisal Company, Inc. of Austin, Texas implemented at the earliest possible date so as to have the reappraisal of all properties in Kerr County completed for use in the 1981 tax year, it is ordered on motion by Commis- sioner Speakmon, seconded by Commissioner Lich and unanimously approved by the Court that Kerr County make advance payments to the Kerr County Tax Appraisal District to be applied towards Kerr County's pro rata share of the costs incurred by the District pursuant to the District's countywide tax appeaisal contract as follows: Payments of $29,600.00 each on the first day of September, October, November and December, 1980, and January 1 1981; and it is further ordered that vouchers be drawn on the General Fund of Kerr County for $29,600.00 each payable to the Kerr County Tax Appraisal District on each of the dates herein indicated. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o NO. 14063 ORDER AUTHORIZING COUNTY ATTORNEY TO INTERVENE IN DELINQUENT TAX SUITS PENDING IN DISTRICT COURT On this the 30th day of June, 1980, came on to be heard and considered by the Court the and directing necessity of authorizing/County Attorney James C. Nogues to act on behalf of Kerr County and the State of Texas in the matter of intervening and filing claims in the 198th & 216th Judi- cial District Courts of Kerr County, pursuant to Article 7345b, Texas Civil Statutes, the said causes being delinquent tax suits, listed as follows: Docket Number Name 80-143-A J. S. A. Spicer Estate and Robert Spicer Estate 80-144-A Phil Threadgill, Sr. et ux Sedonia Threadgill 80-145-A Manuel E. Sanchez, Jr. et ux Manuel V. Sanchez; E. E. Sample 80-146-A Porfirio Ybarra et ux Louise Ybarra 80-142-B A. C. Morris et ux Vada Louise Morris 80-143-B Jake Ruiz Jiminez; E. E. Sample 80-144-B Jose Luis Sanchez 80-145-B Tony Valdez, Jr. et al It appearing to the Court that the Kerr County Tax Collector has been heretofore served with Citation in said causes on behalf of Kerr County and the State of Texas and that inter- vention and filing of a claim in these causes is required to preserve the claims of Kerr County and the State of Texas arising from delinquent taxes due them and constituting a lien on the property which is subject to the said delinquent tax suits, it is ordered on motion by Commissioner Garrett, seconded by Commissioner Speakmon, and unanimously approved by the Court that the County Attorney be authorized and directed to proceed to file an intervention in the said causes as above set forth and otherwise proceed according to law in this matter. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o COURT ADJOURNED June 30, 1980 at 2:25 o'clock P. M. d~ °t~ n17 o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o