fixed at $7.50 per day, including those summoned but excused, after having been sworn, provided however, that County and Justice of the Peace and District Court Jurors and Grand Jurors actually .impaneled and sworn, shall be paid $10.00 per day. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 14247 COURTHOUSE HOLIDAYS FOR 1981 On this the 12th day of January 1981, came on to be considered by the Court the day and dates to be fixed by the Court as legal Holidays for the year 1981, also that the Court- house shall be closed on those days and the Court is of the opinion that the following days and dates are and shall be declared as legal Holidays for the County: Washington's Birthday Good I'riday Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Veterans' Day Thanksgiving Christmas New Year's Day Monday, 2/16 Friday, 4/17 Monday, 5/25 Friday, July 3 Monday, 9/7 Wednesday, 11/11 Thursday & Friday, 11/26 & 27 Thursday & Friday, 12/24 & 25 Friday, 1/1/82 Motion made by Commissioner Speakmon, seconded by Commissioner Lich and unanimously approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 14248 ORDER REQUESTING CHAS. SCHREINER BANK, TRUSTEE OF THE CHARLES SCHREINER ROAD FUND, TO MAKE EXPENDITURE OF ACCRUED EARNINGS FOR THE PURPOSE OF ACQUIRING RIGHT OF WAY FOR STATE LOOP 534 SOUTHEAST OF THE CITY OF KERRVILLE On this the 12th day of January, 1981, came on to be heard and considered by the Court, acting in its capacity as Advisory Trustees of the Charles Schreiner Road Fund, pursuant to judgment entered in Cause No. 6127 on the docket of the 216th District Court of Kerr County, Texas, the matter of advising the Chas. Schreiner Bank of Kerrville, Texas, Trustee of the Charles Schreiner Road Fund, as to the purposes for which certain accrued earnings of said Trust Fund might be expended in futherance of the purposes for which said trust is created; And it appearing to the Court that the Commissioners' Court of Kerr County is committed to secure right of way for the construction of that portion of State Loop 534 from the Kerrville State Park west to State Highway 16 at the Kerrville City Limits; And it further appearing to the Court that all of the funds required for such right of way procurement cannot be provided from the current revenues of Kerr County and that the construction of State Loop 534 is essential to provide adequate access to, from and around the City of Kerrville for the areas which this road would serve; and that it would further serve to expedite the flow of a large volume of vehicular traffic, it is ordered on motion by Commissioner Lich, seconded by Commissioner Holland, and unanimously approved by the Court ~; I that the Commissioners' Court of Kerr County, acting in its capacity as Advisory Trustee of ~ the Charles Schreiner Road Fund, hereby recommends that the Chas. Schreiner Bank of Kerrville,.; i Texas, Trustee of the said Charles Schreiner Road Fund, expend those funds now under its control which constitute the earnings of the said trust fund for the year 1980 for the purpose of aiding the Commissioners' Court of Kerr County in the procurement of right of way for the construction of the portion of State Loop 534 as aforesaid; :/ And it is further recommended that the said Chas. Schreiner Bank make payment of such