ORDER N0. 15558 APPROVAL OF RIIQUEST OF ROBERT R. BARYON, DISTRICT JUDGE OF THE 216TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, FOR PURCHASE OF ONE IBM SELECTRIC III TYPEWRITER FOR THE COURT REPORTERS' OFFICE On this the 9th day of July 1984, upon motion made by Commissioner Guthrie, seconded by Commissioner Holland, the Court unanimously approved the request of Robert R. Barton, District Judge of the 216th Judicial District, for the purchase of one IBM Selectric III Typewriter for the Court Reporters' Office. OFFICE 512-25>-5945 RESIDENC E: 512-695-3836 ~E OFD ,CP ~, W ~.~~~ 1, z.4 ~ _ J„}, ,.~ +:,,> ROBERT R. BARYON courvn ES: DISTRICT JUDGE BANOERA 216TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT GILLESPIE KERR COUNTY COURTHOUSE KErv DwLL KERRVILL E, TEXA578028 KERR June 14, T984 KERR COUNTY 0151R1CT CLERK: MARY 6R 00 K5 OFFICE: 512-25>-4396 R E91 D E N C E: 6 12-36>-5519 COURT REPO RTER:ADERLE HER RING OFFICE: 913-946-3353 R ESIDENC E: 916.446-2101 P. O. EOX 423 JUNCTION.TEXAS >6649 Honorable Gordon S, Morriss, County Judge and Commissioners Court, Kerr County, Texas I respectfully request that the following be purchased for the Court Reporter's Office: 1 - IBM SELECTRIC III, COP,RECTING TYPEWRITER This is needed badly as the one they are using now is unable to do the necessary work that is needed for the Courts. Respectfully submitted, Robert R. Barton, Judge 216th Judicial District Kerr County, Texas ORDER NO. 15558 APPROVAL OF REQUEST OF ROBERT R. BARYON, DISTRICT JUDGE, 216th JUDICIAL DISTRICT, FOR PURCHASE OF ONE IBM SELECTRIC III TYPEWRITER (FOR COURT REPORTING) 7-9-1984 VOL. P, Pages 498-499