ORDER NO. 15976 APPROVAL OF CHANGE OF JOB CATEGORY OF MARK SHAW FROM DEPUTY SHERIFF TO DISPATCHER-JAILER, EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 25th, 1985 On this the 11 th day of March 1985, upon motion made by Commissioner Higgins seconded by Commissioner Hyland , the Court unanimously approved the request of Sheriff Clifton A. Greeson,that Mark Shaw be transferred from Deputy Sheriff to Dispatcher-Jailer, on a three month's probationary period, effective as of February 25th, 1985, at a salary of $840.00 per month. ORDER NO. 159 6 OF CHANGE OF JOB CATEGORY AppROVAL OF MARK SHAW FROM DEPUTY SHERIFF TO DISPATCHER-DAILER, EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 25th, 1985 3_11-1985 Vol. 4, PaSe 4D GLIFF GREESON SIiERIFF tir:ux auc~-rv cur s'r uorsis ]oo Dlnl~ Srrs3:3.r Kr xx~'22.2.1:, 1'r xas 7802f3 :512-25]-4242 512-8H6-1133 February 25, 19$5 honorable Commissioners Court Kcrr County, Texas Dear Sirs: I have as of this date transferred Deputy sheriff Nark Shaw to the Kerr County Jail. N;r. Shaw will no longmr be a deputy sheriff but will be a Dispatch=r Jailer and will bP on three months probation in that position. Mark Shaws salary will be $$40.00 pPr month instead of the $1200.00 he has been drawing up to this date. Resp~>c~fully Submitted li Greeson