ORDER NO. 16669 RESIGNATION OF DENNIS PIEPER AS JAILER/DISPATCHER, EFFECTIVE MAY 2nd, 1986 On this the 22nd day of May 1986, upon motion made by Commis- sioner Holland seconded by Commissioner g;~g;ns the Court unanimously approved that the resignation of DENNIS PIEPER, JAILER/DISPATCHER, be ratified and confirmed, effec- tive as of Play 2nd, 1986. :~~~~ nip, ,,~~.~:, K r;euvu,i, r:, 'Il~. x.~ti 7tiu,t3 n~z-zap acv a ua-ns~u-n: is i tilay 2, 1J86 1'iie Honorab7.e (:oirmrissioncrs Court Kerr County TExas Jailer/llispatchcr llennis Pieper has re:i_~ncd the j~oisti_on of Jailer/Dispatcher, e~fec~Yive Nlay 2, 1986. ]tespectlul'1y SubmitteCL; ~`, i/ i CLif Greesnii Sl,eri.ft, kcrr County