COMM1SSIuNF1R5' COIIRT MFs'T IN EMI?.RGF;NCY SES°,ION on December 22, 1988 eit 3:15 o'c]or,k P. M. i.n the Dist.ric.t CourtYOOm of t_h~ Kerr County Courthouse with c'cunty Judge Danny Edwards and Comrniss.ioner's Rill Ray, Precinct 2, and H. A. Baldwin, Precinct ~, prer.ent, and the Court Yueving duly opened tyre following proc-eeclings were had: QRDER N0. ]8315 MCTION To RAT7RY MOONF.Y AIRPORT LEASF. On this the 22nd day of ~~ecember 19±;t;, upon motion made k>y Comtnis=;inner key, :;econderi by Commissioner Baldw:i.n, the Court un-,nimously approved t11.° County ~?tldge t o sign, on behalf of Kerr County, two letters t:o BNP E'inance Southwest Corporal:ior. ratifying rr lease l;etween tltc City of Kerrville, the :`ount.y of Kerr and Moon~ay Aircraft. Corporation. ORDF~IR N0. 7.8316 MCTION T~) ADJOFIRN On this the 7.2nd day of December 1988, upon motion made by Commissioner Rr-ty, seccnde•! by Commissioner Bsldw:i.n, the court unanimously appr~wed to ,=,dlnurn the Rmergency Meeting of Commis:ivners' Court.. Commi-ssioners' Court adjourned rat 3:lfi o'clock P. M. FA.~E 121