(~R.DER NO. 108'~G RF,1?k:I2RAL (~I! WF?,DIN PR.ELTMINAR.Y PLAT 'l'C~ P,l\~,'ID LTTKE, KERB ('OTJN`I'Y HNVIRONM.ENTA?a IiFA7,TFi, F~lR HIS Cf)NCIDE,R11TloN On this thc~ ]_41-.h c~ly cif' Angus r. :1930, 111~cn mcat..ior. rnaC!<:• r~y Comrn.i.ssi.one?- Tio7 ek~lm}~, seconded by Commissioner 13~a3 dwin, t.1ze Court: unan irr~ously appr. ~~ved to refer thr~ }~>rE~~1 imi.nar. y P> L~~t: of WeClin. A~~ditlUn, In gilt' FTJ an.Ci ('.OmIn].SSiQnPr''S PI"E?C7nCf; No. 3, tc.~ r>~avi_d L.itke, HF~aci of Karr County Env-irc~nmr nf; ~1. He.-al.t}~, f_or hi_s Can:;iderat-.ion. Mr. Luke i;-, t:o consa.zit wit:.h t}1~~ Ci_ty of Kerrville to wank out the l.ot s:i~~es th~ai- ~ir~_, f-.r~ ~=.rn.:c:11_ fc~r oil ~i.re systems. KERR COUNTY L _+TVIRONMENTAL HL.ALTH DEPARTMENT ... ~~ok... KERR COUNTY COURTHOUSE. ~~~ .% ~ 700 Main Kerrville, Texas 7£3028 . (5l2) 89fr.5101 C HD ,t ,~ ~ l MEMO TO : Cc~rnm i ss i avers Ca~_,rt FRAM: David L. Litke ~,~.~ DATE: September 7, 1S8S Sl1BJECT: Wedir, Subdivision and Drder #1889 T have met with Larry Vetters car,cerning the existing card i t i ar,s. Due to the r,urnerc~us circumstances and existing cc~r,dit ic~r,s cif this r^eplat, I woti.~ld recnrnrner,d that a full subdivision review as stated in Chapter 8 cif the Rr_iles cif !tier^r Caur,ty fc~r Private Sewage Facilities be required. This will r-eq r_t i re the applicant t c• eva 1 uat a current cc~nditic~ns and show c~_irrerrt intent •.•f subdividing. Py doing this, we should be able to deterrnir,r, whether lets should be r-estr^icted fr^c~rn having private sewage foci 1 it ies, whether pallutic~n pc~terrtial exists, and deterrnine if the water system needs try be reg~_~iated by the texas Department cif Health.