COMMISSIONERS' CO[JRT RECESSED at 2:40 P.M. COMMISSIONERS' COURT RF.CONVENF.D at 4:36 P. M. with County ~7udge Edwards, Commissioners Bill. Ray and Commissioner Gordon Morgan present. ORDER N0. 19163 APPROVAL OF HIRING LISA R. ROOT IN THE KF.RR COUNTY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE On this the 11th clay of October 1989, upon motion made by Commissioner Ray, seconded by Commi:>sioner Morgan, with Commissioner's Ray and Morgan voting "AYE", and County ~7udge Edwards "ABSTAINING", said motion to approve the hiring of Lisa R. Root in the County Attorney's Office effective October 1, 1989, at Pay Croup 13, Step :1., 1.4,042.00 annually, ^' $1,170.17 monthly, and $595.08 semi-mom=hly, was approved by a majority vote of two to one. COMMISSIONERS' COURT RECESSED at 4:40 P. M. COMMISSIONERS' COURT RF,CONVENF,D IN REGULAR SESSION on October 7.3, 1989 at 4:25 P. M. with Commissioner Bill Ray, Commissioner H. A. Baldwin and Commissioner Gordon Morgan present. ORDER N0. 19154 MOTION TO ADJOUk2N On this the 13th day of October 1.989, upon motion made by Commissioner Morgan, seconded by Commissioner Baldwin, the Court unanimously approved to adjourn. COMMISSIONERS' CO[JRT ADJO[JRNED at 4:35 o'clock P. M. PAGE 612