ORllER N0. 7.8813 R UDt;B'P AME.NDMFJVT TO TRANSF'RR F't7NLS FRCM ^O MMIS:'. IC~NF,RS' COFJR'C TO NON--DF?PAR'IMEN'PAh On this the 1.0th day of ~7u.ty 1.')89, upon motion m.jde by Commissioner Ray, ser_unraed hY Comrniscioner I3aldw~in, th~~a Co urt unanimou:cly ,appro ved to transf+'r ::9,h00.00 from Ling Irem No. 10--40.1.-902, L~e~7al Ast:~i.:~t.~nr.e, in f'.i)mI!l1C,s.iOner-s' Court, to Line Item IVY. L0-909-9P_~(,, Profr>>:;iona.l ^~erv~i.r.es, in Non-Departm:~ ntal, and ;500.00 from Lind Ttr:m No. 10-90]-4 95, Conferenr.e, in Conmtissi.~mers' court to Line Item No. 10-909-48F,, Profe ::sional Servi.<~es, i.n Non-Departmental. ORDEk NC. 18819 APPRCJVAL OF PAYING ARCHITECT/CONSUhTANT TF.A.M (ACT) MICHAEL. NF.AL WALKER, ARCHITECT; MAXF.Y & ASSCCIATE:=> INC., ~711STICF. EACTLITY CONSULTANTS 59,500.00 ON ~7I7~LY 1`., 1999 AS PER ACREF:MF:NT On this the 10th day of ,7u1y 1999, upon motion made: by Commissioner Ray, secondc>d by Commissioner Arxl;.iwin, the Court unanitr~ously approved h:~yment of ;4,500.00 ~n Ju1y 15, 1989, as per agreement, to ArrY,iteet/Consu:lt;,nt Team (A!'7') Mir.h.3r~1 Neal Walker, Arr•hirer;i-; Maxey & Associates, Inc., Justice Ea~~il.ity Crnsultants. PAGE 425