ORDER NiJ. I8`/39 ACCMFTANCE OF' PROPOSAL, FROM WALKER, MAXF:Y & ASSCCIA`PF.S AND AWARDI)Qr OF rONTRACT TO SAME i~Oh RXPANSION OL' CO??NTY OWNED F'ACTL,I'1'IES On this the 9th d:iy of June: 1.989, upon motion made by Commissioner Ray, seconded by Commissioner Baldwin, with Conuuissioner':; R.,ay, Ra:Ldwi.n anti F3olekamp, and ~7udgr~ x.dwards voting "AYE", ant] Comm:~s i:;ner Morgan voT.incl "NAY", said mot ion to ar~~ept thc~ propos;a from Wa? krr, Maxey k A:;soria.tes and award the r!ontrac-t- tea them for r•xpyn^ion of county awned facilities was approved by a majority vr,te. ORDER NO. X8740 AUTHORI7ATION FOF'. JUDGF: b:DWARUS TO WRITE A T~ETTER TO SAN SARA Ci~MMIS:~LONRRS' COURT ~'?N REGLONAL ~7AIL On this the 8th day of ~7~ ne I~)a9, up<~n mot.i.on made by Cormissioner Ray, seconded by L'omrni ss loner Holekamp, the Court unan.imous]y approved the County Judge to write a support letter to t}iF, San Saba Commissic;ners' Court nn building of .i regionral j:ril in San Saba. PR(;b: 986