ORDER N0. ]8647 MOTION TO FAY kICHARD R. BAYER, CONTRACT LABOR, FOR THE PERIOD APRIh 2.7, 1989 THRU MAY 7, 1989 On this the Bth day of May 1999, upon mor_ion made by Commissioner Ray, seconded by Commissioner Holekamp, the Court unanimously approved to pay Richeird R. Bayer, contract labor, in Roac] & Bridge for the period April 21, 1989 thru May 7, 1989, 109.5 hours at $4.25 per hour. The County Treasurer and County Auditor are hereby authorized to draw a voucher on Line Item No. 15-61.1.-410, Contract Labor, i.n the amount of $465.38 and made payable to Richard R. Bayer. COUNTY JUDGE F.DWARDS CALLED FOR F,XF.CtJTIVF. SESSION at 2:03 o'clock P. M. EXF,CUTIVF: SESSION F.NURD AND COMMISSIONERS' COURT RECONVENED IN OPEN SESSION at 4:10 o'clock P. M. ORDER N0. ]8648 MOTION TO APPROVE JAN MICHAEL SKOWRON AS DEP[JTY CONSTABLE PRECINCT N0. 7 On this the Bi-h day ~f May 1989, upon motion made by Commissioner Baldwin, seconded by Commissioner Holekamp, the Court unanimously approved the appointment of Jan Michael Skowron as Deputy Constable, Precinct No. 1 only, at 51.00 per year, effective May 9, 1989. PAGE 340