ORURR NO. 1867E MOTION TO PAY JAIL SEMINAR RF.G;ISTRATION FEE. On t.hi.s the 19th day of. May 1.989, upon motion made by Commissioner Ray, seconded by Commissioner Holekamp, the Court unanimously approved to pay the $?.65.00 jail. seminar registration fees. The County Treasurer and Country Auditor are hereby authorized to draw a voucher on Line Item No. 1.0-512-485, Conference, in the amount of 5265.00 and made payable to Ameri.c.an Jail. „_ Association, for jai]. seminar registration fees. ORDER N0. 18b77 BUDGET AMENDMENT TO TRANSFER FTJNDS IN ,ITJSTICE OF THE. PF.ACF., PRF,CINCT #2 On this the 19t.h day of May .1989, upon motion made by Commissioner Ray, seconded by Commist;i_oner Holekamp, the Court unanimously approved to transfer 567.1.00 from Line Item No. 10-456-108, Part-time salary, to Line Item No. 10-456-105 secretary salary, in Justice of the Peace, Precinct #2 office. PAGE 355