ORDER NO. 18678 A[JDGF.T AMENDMENT TO TRANSFER F[JNDS IN COUNTY C01JRT AT LAW On this the 19t.h day of May 1989, Commissioner Holekamp moved to transfer $1929.00 from reserve to County Court at Law as follows: $1,796.00 to Line Item No. 10-427-101, Elected Official Salary $ 7.00 to Line Item No. 10-127-291., FICA Expense S 126.00 to Tine Item No. 10~-rF27-203, Retirement. Motion failed for lack of a second. ORDER N0. 7.8679 MOTION NOT TO PAY MAINTENANCE CONTRACT TO IMAGE IDEAS BTJT TO LEASE A FHOTOCOPY MACHINE THRU STATF. PURCHASING FOR THE CO[JNTY CLERK'S OFFICF, On this the 19th day of May 1989, upon motion made by Commissioner Ray, seconded by Commissioner Aaldwin, with Commissioner's Ray, Aaldwin and Morgan, and County Judge Edwards voting "AYE", and Commissioner Holy=kamp "AASTAINING", said motion not to pay the maintenance contract with Image Ideas, but t~ leases a photo~npy machine thru State Purr,hasing for the County Clerk's Off.icc:, was approved by a majority vote. PAGE 356