ORDER N0. 18737. AUDGk;T AMENDMENT TO TRANSb'Eh' FUNDS IN ROAD .4 BRIDGE. - 1JNIT ROAD SY:3TF,M On this the 8th clay of. June' 1989, upon motion made by Cnrr~missioner Ryy, :seconded by Commissioner Baldwin, the Court unanimously approved to transfer $1.0,000.00 from Line Ii;em No. 15-EL1-555, Road Base, to Line Item No. 15-611-552, Asphalts, Oils, Emulsion, in the Road k Bridge -- tJni.t Road System. ORDER N0. 18732. BUDGET AMENDMENT TO TRANSFER FUNDS IN ROAD & BRIDGE - ADMINISTRATIVE, F.XPENDITUR.FS On this the 8th day of June 1.989, upon motion made by Comm~i.ssi.oner Ray, seoonded by Commissioner Morgan, the Court unanimously approved to transfer 5775.@0 f rom I,i.ne Ttem No. 15-6H0-440, Uti).ities, to Line Lem No. 1.5-600-?.15, Books-PUbli.ca tions-Dues, in Road & Bridge - Administrestive Expenditures, to pay the bill we owe, snd then canre.l any further subsc riptions. PAGE, 382.