ORDF:R N0. ]8739 ACCP;PTANCF: OF FROPOSAI. FROM WALKF,R, MAXFY & ASSOCIA'PES AND AWARnSNr? OF rONTRA~'C TO SAME FOR EXPANSION OF COUNTY OWNED b'AC7LI'I'IF.S On this the 8th day of ~7une 19A'3, upon motion rnacie by Commissioner Ray, secondr.d by '7ommissioner P,aldwin, with Commissioner's Ray, T3,:a.l.dwin and Holr~k.=xmp, and ~7udgc Edwards voting "AYR", and Cc,rrunissionr~r Morgan votincJ "NAY", :-aid mor_ion to arr-F~i,t the proposal. from Wa!ker, Maxey & Associ.,nte:.• and award the contrar.t to them for ~~xp.an::on oŁ (bounty owned facilities was approved by a majority vor_e, ORDEF N0, 18740 AUTHORI7,AT70N FOE'. JEJDGE F:DWARDS TO WRITE A I~F;TTER TO SAN SABA COMMIS ;TONERS' COURT ON REGIONAL ,7AIL On this: t_he 8th day of. Tune l.yC39, upon motion made by Commissioner Ray, seccnc9ed by Commissioner Hc>lekamp, the Court unanirnous7y apl,rovod the County ~7udge to write a support letter to the San Saba Comrnissioners' Court c>n bui7.ding of a rection~al jail. i.n San Saba. PA~9E 98fi