2/, 1989 at 1:0y o'clock P. M. for a "NO P=,.rkir.q lone" on bath side:-, of: Cade I,o~~~h from highway 39 to the Guadalup«, River pit Carnp Rio Vista, in Cc-,mm:i:.sioner's Precinr.•t 4, ORDER NO. :1 3 `l97 MOTION TO SFsT A PUBC,IC H.EAFING F~~R A "NO PAP.K7N(3 JONi?" ciN BOTH :=.IDN:S OF MAtlt? FORD 13FCINNTNCJ AT HIc;!-?WAY 'U i1NTI?, TIDE ROAD N,NDS On this i.he 6th d.-cy rat July 1989, uTon motion made try Commissioner Halciwin, seconded by Commissioner- He>lF~kamp, the Court unar.mous]y approved to set a pui_~lic hearing un Ju]y ,,, 27, 1989 at 1:15 ct'clc~c~k F.M. for a "No R,rking 'bone" cm both side:; of M~suk Road beginning at Highway 39, and cunti.nuiny until the road ends, in t'c;rnrni°.si.oner's Precinct 4. ORDER NO. 1R%9fS MOTION TO ALJOURN On thi.:--; the F~th day of. ;July 1.989, upon motion made by Commissioner Aaldwin, ser:onded by t"omrnis:;ioner Morgan, the Court unani.mo~.rsly anpr~ved to adjourn. COMMI:;SION6R5' COORT ADJ~t7RNF.D at S: HH o'r-lor.,k P. M. PA~F: 41 G