The re; ad appr ~ c7 ATTF.:=, "' : /~~ ~~[ ~ ~~~ Liz -- - -- Patricia Dye Couni:y CLcrk Kerr Count:y, Texas R. Gorrion org ~ CommS ssio/nfeDr,/Prr'c~inr.t # I 13 i ] i•~~ Commissioner. rPCinr~t #2 foregoing minutes from V+~lume F, P-,ges 3>3 in open court and found to be r.orrert owed this ].0th day of .7u ]_y 9. l98 9 rhru 41 F, were and are hereby - ..~_ ~ __ Dry R. Edwards Cou n+~y Judge' Kerr Cou//ni:y, Texas .~~,.... _L~ ~~- -- C (;letln K. NOle - Crnnmi.~~:ione^r. Prrcinct 3 H. B,~ldwin Comm i-r--; :; i.oner, Precinct #4 PAGr; 41