ORDFIR NO. 7.8808 MdNTFiL,Y REPORT;' On this the 10th day r>f. ,htly 19x39, r•ame on to he r•onsi.dered by the ~C'cntrt the various rer:arts of t:he Country ar,d Preci.m°t nffic~ial;; pf Kerr Country, Texais -inr1 h,vinq heard and considered by i;ho Court, finds that said re{v~rt:: rhrntld be arc•epted and filed with the ,,^.nnnty Clerk for future r=~f~rrence and suhj,- r-r to .;nad if . Mot:ann made t?y Commis;~i.on<-~r Ray, ser.onded by Commi^sioner Holekamp, with ^omm.i:.s~i-oncer's Ray, Holek+-imp and Morgan and County Judge F.dwardr voting "AYF:", and t~~~mmissi.oner Rraldwin. a "AHSTAININF", sa.~id motion was ~,npro ve,l 1>y a maiorit.y vote. LINDA [7RCKF.R, I'~ir;t:ri.r+ ~'lerk Report for ~7une '.989 $1.3.00B.90 Interesf. earned 1,021..28 FRANCF;; A. KA7SF;R, Sheriff Civil. Report £or June 1.989 L, 7.02. 00 PATRTC'LA E. KNOX, .7. P. Pres. 1 Rr~por+ for Junr 19a`t .l.h, 3')x1.68 Report- For ~7une 1989 4, 797,.00 Interest earned 88.1.1. BETTY 1~. Pi7RNF.Y, J.P. Prec;. ?. Report for June 7989 4,77.1.80 Repor~C for June 1989 1, 4?.'x.00 Lnt_~rrest earned ?. ?.. 01 JOHN P. HITS„ J.P. Frec. 4 Report for ~7,.tne 19ti9 1, 667.00 Ra_~spurt. for June 7.989 536.50 Gt7Y li. F:LEY, PuL~7.ic• Wr>i.yher ~~:ale RPrei.t,t:: f„r June 19 ti9 1.60.00 PAS;F 422.