Bridge. Mr. Mosty will be Pay Group 14, Step 3, effective October 1, 1989, 915, 500. 00 annually, 91, 291. 67 monthly, and 5645.83 semi--monthly. The County Treasurer and the County Auditor are hereby authorized to pay Mr. Mosty the pay increase retroactive to October 1, 1989. COMMISSIONERS' COURT RECESSED at 4:50 o'clock P. M. COMMISSIONERS' COURT CONVENED IN OPEN SESSION on October 20, 1989 at 10:05 o'clock A. M. with all officers present and the Court having duly opened the following proceedings were had: JUDGE EDWARDS closed the open session and reconvened in a Public Hearing on the tax increase. There were two members of the public present, Frances Brown and Maybelle Reynolds. Mrs. Brown addressed the court with concern there were not more people .involved. She is going to do what she can to motivate people to be informed and participate, and she would "' like to go on record as objecting to the tax increase. JUDGE EDWARDS closed the Public Hearing and reconvened in open session at 10:22 o'clock A. M. ORDER ND. 19169 MOTION 'TO SET A PUBLIC HEARING FOR OCTOBER 26, 1989 FOR THE TAX RATE On this the 20th day of October 1989, upon motion made by Commissioner Morgan, seconded by Commissioner Holekamp, the Court unanimously approved holding a hearing on October 26, 1989 at 1:45 o'clock P. M. for voting on the tax rate. PAGE 619