CUMhtI55:[ONERS' COURT Ci.1NVENIED :[N Sl=~ECIRI__ SESS:[OIV or. November- s;, 1989 at 1:00 o'c].ocV< R. hl. with a17. officers present and the Coiar•t having duly opened, the following proceedings were had: ORllER NO. 19194 R!'1='ROVRL OF GRRNTING R VRIi:[RNCE l-O lIILLvi R DRIES SUBDIVISION, LOT ;, OWNEll BY NR. .7RNF=~ RTCH"FER F-OR R FEI~IOD OF ONE YERR WITH Nft. LiRVTU l_I:TKE ESTRBL_ISHING SONS WRY TO MON[TOR TFiE SYSTE=M flND t4R. GI~RHRM PRY[NO FOR THE TESTS On thi=, the 6th day of November- 19E19, upon motion made by L'ommission er- Baldwin, secnr-,ded L-y Comm.i. <_:s i.nner Holekamp, the Co~_rrt approved to grant a variance from wastewater treatment system for a period of one year, with Mr•, L_itke establ.i.shing some way to rnonitor~• and test the system, at Mr. Graham's expense. If the system fails at anytime or the test are i. ni_oncl~_rsive, Mr. Graham will install a filter and chlorinator at his own expense. ORDER N0. 19195 APPOINTMENT OF COMMISSIONER BILL RAY AS THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT REPRESENTATIVE ON THE RIVER ACCESS COMMITTEE On this the 6th day of November 1989, upon motion made by Commissioner Morgan, seconded by Commissioner Baldwin, the Court unanimously approved the appointment of Commissioner Bill Ray as the Commissioners' Court representative on the River Access Committee. PAGE 635