~~ COMMZSSIONF.RS' COURT CONVENED IN A WORKSHOP SESSIUN at 9:1.0 A.M. with all present except Judge Edwards. Judge Edwards arrived at 9:20 A.M. and left at 9:30 A. M. (9a ~q•~ Chairman Pro Tem Ray chaired the workshop. A discussion of the replat of Y 0 Ranchland, Section III was held. It was decided that the following statement must appear on the plat: Zt is specifically understood that these are private streets and prior to acceptance of the streets in this subdivision by Kerr County, that such streets must be improved to comr:ly with the subdivision regulations of Kerr County, Texas, at the time. of such submission for acceptance and that the cost of such improvements to the streets will be the sole responsibility of the then owners of the tracts in the subdivision. It was also decided that (private road) would be placed under each street name. .2 A discussion of a waiver of subdivision regulations relative to notification and filing fees regarding Oak View Estates followed. Pat Dye, County Clerk, said she could not waive the filing fees unless Mr. Griffin filled out an indigent Health care form. Commissioner Ray said Mr. Griffin was not ~, indigent. Glenn Holekamp expressed roncern in reference to on-site waste water disposal system, whir_h Mr. Griffin does not intend to install. It: was decided to table the waiver pending further investigation. The workshop adjourned at 10:00 A. M. COMMISSIONERS' COURT CONVENED IN REGULAR SESSION on Monday, December 11, 1.999 at 10:16 A.M. with the following officers present: Bill Ray, Commissioner Precinct #l Glenn K. Holekamp, Commissioner Pr.ecinr_t. #3 H. A. Baldwin, Commissioner Precinct #4 Danny R. Edwards, County Judge, and R, Gordon Morgan, Commissioner Precinct #1, arrived at 10:16 A. M., and the Court having duly opened, the following proceedings were had: PAGF. 671