ORDER NO. 19964 APPOINTMENT OF R. GORDON MORGAN, GLENN HOLEKAMP, BRUCE OEHLER AND BUTCH LACKEY AS A COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE POSSIBLE OFFICE WORK SPACE ALLOTMENTS On this the 26th day of November 1990, upon motion made by Commissioner Ray, seconded by Commissioner Baldwin, the Court unanimously approved by a vote of 5-0-0 to ;appoint R. Gordon Morgan, Glenn Holekamp, Bruce Oehler and Butch Lackey as a committee to investigate possible office work space allotments. The Committee is to look at the various ways offices can be rearranged or moved to allow .for the necessary expansion of work space for various offices, and report their recommendations to Commissioners' Court on December 10, 1990. 700 MAIN STREET KERRVILLE, TEXAS 78028 FRANCES KAISER SHERIFF KERR COUNTY COURTHOUSE Novembc,r S, 19~3d Honorable Commissioner Court Kerr Coun'cy, Texas 512-257242 512-896-1133 Please b? -idvisE~~~+ that the Sheriff * s Det~artmF~n.t office sp•~r.e is used up; i n t.hc' Jail as we 11 ~:~s the par±-ia1 west wing (that. we now occ~.ipy) in the Courtho~.isc=~ . It is of th~~ ~_rtn~,~st im}~ort.ance that we have mere working spare to do an e~ficient and professional joh. Pictures of our dPp-ir~.m~r:t of five spa~•e and ~~e±•=:i=ls of how it is utilized i~ .:as follows 1 . Four (4) Sgt::. and two (2 } Warrant dF~putias use t;he same offir_e space along with one (]) warrant compu:.:er, FAX mar_hin~-, ar.d f Ile cabinet: . Three (;) Pat~r.o_! Sgts. u,sc' the aam~~ ~~esk, sharing drawers and smack files,. Two (2) of the Sgt.s. shifts over-lap and have administr;1tive duties to do in the office, t.her.efore h<-wing to sc.ht~duie who wi1:L ha ~.zsit~g the one (].) desk whc~_n! t 2. Twc ( W%~r?-arit offir.ers ;:rare the samF~ des: and r_cm~uter, thc•rerorF~ hav_~n~x to share !:he s~zrne working, space, bec~iuse of. ~-.h' a}:nzndz~nce of ^•~per work, they also have to .:schedule wrio wil_'. do what when at the same one (1) desk. they share!? 3. Warrant Sgt./Inv?stigator R. Ilierholzer has a desk. in -the beck of th«> office . 4. Investia~tor Cary Chapman~anci Brad A1`ord share the sam? office. S<~t. Don Cray also an Investigator and Y.err County nog Iiandler, has no desk space of Yiis ocan. 5. One (I) Reception SeCr'etary dFsk is in the hallw:ly, which clutters up the entranr_e to the department. but is the only way it c.in bo done becr-ruse of no ext-:ra space . 6. The other Secretary share: an officF with thF Civil deputy, Ch~:~go Gut,i?rrez, who ha,~ a desk and file cal?inet of hi.~ awn for all civil pap?r riles. 700 MAIN STREET KERRVILLE, TEXAS 78028 FRANCES KAISER SHERIFF KERR COUNTY COURTHOUSE %. :-~i'rr i~_t`= ~inf': CC•L~V iilc=LC~'!~.Il<~ <'1.i;S~'!: :L:> V!~'~'V f?.Z~ clTl~j c;~.at;:F_ri:'cx wit;l-~ file t:rabine!~.~ fall of off•,nsa renn;.+-~;, r°opy rn<~c~:ine, office s~~r~~~ly ~:L-"r,Y-ncT~ canine.-. 1Vo more spade for offense r•:'?~orts. " 1~. :i:t~l.~ _"Ov7!l '.~F_'lllllC~ ~~.Ur:3C,~~ ~`l~jic?~. ~l~Pri ~l?Y ~1;<:`r=1<7~-. o~ ev~.~Arc• ~ (3h?lvc~:~ are fu' 1! ! } ~d. `,..j°T:lrf'." pff1C2 - ~'.m,a.!1 and' fug.', t ~~ieW a su;~7:'e~,t. ni. i"s essenti~:l. We Qilt'. Of _ _.e~~ of `_ ~'c>ttrt pit. L.;w ;~,ry eii:;h~~r in tl~e ;ail or. office: ar:~a~ to ir,r_~ r- ~ri c~ ~"m in a c•onfder,'r i nl ~atmos!:?her~~, whi:~h now ran snmeanf~ or r~ori~ rh_~n one (1 } persor! ~CE' ~"O ilia trli~' .~n~~/r~Y" ({Q <~bW11 ~~O Lie ~'OL1P?.V room ~•?hen it :i- nog- in lz:~~ . ..- 15 i.r'l~r:r,~,~n;i t_h.~.i=. {_t?~ ~~~1_• a:rr ~J n<.n.t "tTl1a?t~-t y>c? ~ ~ ~ ":t7!xo-'I:i7Pt- 1.. Qli~ ~il"r:Fi. fr?1' @d.~y t`Ji:~:'.:,:i fill ctil c71t'..7."Il.'_. ~~erfP?'cl{'~i~i i>>"lt' min f..Qnr O `;hF? COUri:.;"!O?1Sf'. I r~gl~r:~,f-Ft"! ~1~( ..'_C'al:lP.St i:It 'JOI.''. C(?n~ii:jt~r Ct~:-'~~:.I7CI r"t~r' W•~l iC 1_ ~Q .. ~~~_1c-'P `'~~~ ~;rl'' ~~:~~?"if ~ .. i; ?T~aT? Tl~ir-'.1~. ~i., S -'Ot1 •=i` r o .. _: 1:? ~ ~` c± '_ .: i-i F' W i ~ i' }i y rt ~_, :: ~"'~ n ~ 11 f_.1 C~ n S _ f i cl li Y' i'1 O W t~ _ "~ L~JC~ ~.' ~.j _..: ? c. L `: r ,_ rl )~'. ,q ~-?-.; 11F'dt_`~r' '~+i4r~lii~-{ d~:1"(l;~~;T)~1F'Y'r?. R`'5lJe~"1a~.1V Su~.)rflli t~(:~. ~~ ~~ ~~~ h~~t ;.t~f Fr~inr.t~~' A. ':~i~ :;i'r ^r~rr- ;ou:~'.v ShYri~f' s Derrarl-.r,enr,. Key°r'vil.le. "'Px,~s 7~~j2~=~ . 512-257-4242 512-896-1133 ~~rti ca~d~J l 996 y PLEASE FURNISH ON ORI MINA AND ~FVFN COPIES OF THIS REOUE~TAND D "UI`iFNTS IO DE RCVIFW~D-DY 111- .BURT ' LADE BY: Frances A. Kaiser OFF ICE: Sheriff IEETING DATE: Nov. 2~, 1990 TIME PREFERRED: 1:30 p.m, JBJECT: (PLEASE BE SPECIFIC): office_~ork SDflcA ~~ ESTIMATED LENGTH OF PRESENTATION: If= PERSONNEL MATTER -NAME 0~ EMPLOYEE: NAME OF PERSON ADDRESSING THE COURT: Frances A. xaiser Time For subm(tting this request for Court to assure that the matter Is posted In accordance with Article 6252- 17 is as fol lows: • Meetings held on second Monday: 12:00 P. M, previous Wednesday • Meetings held on Thursdays: S:oo P. M. previous Thursday. !f preferable, Agenda Requests may be made on office stationery with the above Information attached- 1~1-IIS REQUEST RECE IVED 8Y 1~1-IIS REQUEST RECEIVED ON ~ Y~ All Agenda Requests will be screened by the County Judge's Office to determine If adequate Information I~as been prepared for the Court's formal consideration and action at tlrrie of Court rneetings. Your cooperation will be appreciated and contribute towards your request being addressed at tl~e earliest opportunity. ORDER N0. 19964 APPOINT'N~1T OF R. GORDON MORGAN, GLENN HOLEKAMP, BRUCE OEER,ER AND BUPCH ICY AS A CONA4ITTEE TD INVESTIGATE POSSIBLE OFFICE 4dORK SPACE ALIpTME~]TS November 26, 1990 Vol. S, Pg. 58