ORDER NO. 19857 BASED ON MISINFORMATION, MOTION LINF. ITEM N0. 10-456-101 BE BUDGETED AT S17,680.00 AND LINE ITEM NO. 10-475-101 BE BUDGETED AT 540,000.00 WITH PROSPECTIVE CHANGES IN FICA, INSURANCE, RETIREMENT, ETC. On this the t.8th day of September 1990, upon motion made by Commissioner Ray, seconded by Commisioner Baldwin, with Commissioner's Ray and Baldwin voting "AYE", and Commis s-ioner's Holekamp and Morgan vnting "NAY", said motion that, based on misinformation, Line Item No. 10-456-101 be budgeted at 517,680.00 and Line Item No. 10-475-101 be budgeted at 540,000 with prospective changes in FICA, Insurance, Retirement, c:tc. in the adopted Kerr County Budget .._ for fiscal year 1990-199]., failed tvo to two. Commissioner Morgan is in favor and total agreement with Commissioner Ray; but, because oŁ recommendation by the Assistant County Attorney these items can be changed later, he would rather not risk changing the budget now. He does not give up the right to make changes later. STAN REID RETURNED TO C'.OURT AND WITHDREW ALL HIS LEGAL OPINIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS, and told the Court to disregard any and all recommendations or legal advice he had given them this day, as he felt there was a conflict of interest because his employer, David Motley, the County Attorney, was one oŁ the people involved in the dispute over salaries. He advised the Court to hire an attorney. PAGE 1023 ^~ The County Auditor, Tommy Tomlinson, presented a late bill as a result n3 the grievance r_ommit.tee meeting of Thursday, September ~? 1990 on the backpay for David Motley, County Attorney. The Court told the auditor to hold the bill until. a later date when the Court had official knowledge of the committee's i`indinys. ORDER NO. 19Et58 MOTION TO ADJOURN Dn tt,is the 28th day of September 1590, upon motion made by Commissioner Morgan, seconded try Commissioner Ray, the Court unanimously approved to adjourn. CDMMISSIONERS' CDURT ADJOURNED at 3:00 o'clock P. M. PAGE 1024