~3~`~~Q COMMISSIONERS' GOURTAG NDA R Q F,~ • PI FASF FURNISH ONF ORI MINA AND S vFN rOPI OF THI R 01FST ANn nnr~)MFNT~ lOD[R~VI•W~DDY111• OIRT, MADE BY: Bill Ray OFFICE: County Commicc'on r_ Prar inrt ~ MEETING DATE; March 29, 1990 SUBJECT: (PLEASE BE SPECIFIC): Standards Commission. TIME PREFERRED: Report from Bill Ray on meeting with the Texas Jail ESTIMATED LENGTH OF PRESENTATION: IF PERSONNEL MATTER -NAME OF EMPLOYEE: NAME OF PERSON ADDRESSING THE COURT: county commissioner. Precinct 2 Time for submitting this request for Court to assure that the matter is posted In accordance with Article 6252-1 7 Is as follows: • Meetings held on second Monday: 12:00 P. M. previous Wednesday • Meetings held on Thursdays: 5:00 P. M, previous Thursday. If preferable, Agenda Requests may be made on office stationery wltli the above Information attached. THIS REQUEST RECEIVED BY: LR THIS REQUEST RECEIVED ON: 3-27-90 @ ~, :.p0 a.m All Agenda Requests will be screened by the County Judge's Office to determine If adequate Information has been prepared for the Court's formal consideration and action at [Ime of Court meetings. Your cooperation well be appreciated and contribute towards your request being addressed at the earliest opportunity. STATEMENT to the TEXAS COMMISSION ON JAIL STANDARDS FROM the KERB COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT 28 March 1990, 9:00 a.m. 611 South Congress Avenue, Suite 201 Austin, Texas The Kerr County Citizens Committee was charged to study the current and future needs of the county as relates to a jail, juvenile detention center, office space, and the Agricultural complex. The Committee has completed their study as relates to the jail only, and have submitted their recommendations to the Kerr County Commissioners Court. The essence of their report was that Kerr County is in need of additional jail space; 95 - 110 beds were recommended. They also suggested evaluating all alternative options to incarceration in an attempt to reduce Kerr County's jail bed requirements. This includes minimizing waiting time until trial date and the use of "innovative sentencing." We are presently holding workshops with District and County Court at Law Judges, prosecuting attorneys, the Chief Probation Officer and city and county law enforcement officials to see what changes can be instituted to achieve the goal of compliance with Jail Standards. It is our sincere effort to present our bond needs to the voters of Kerr County no later than the November, 1990 ballot. Respectfully Y,/'/~G~ ]3ILL RAY Kerr County Commissioner Enclosures: 1. Cover Letter -Kerr County Citizens Committee Report 2. Executive Summary -Kerr County Citizens Committee Report 3. Letter - detenting member of the Kerr County Citizens Committee TRIP REPORT: Texas Commission on Jail Standards Congress Square II 611 South Congress Avenue, Suite 201 28 March 1990, 9:00 a.m. NEXT COMMISSION MEETING: 23 MAY 1990 See Agenda for comments Judge Roy English -absent Small room based on the crowd attending. If you want a seat you need to be there by 0845 hours. Speaker system carries testimony to audience overflow room. Session taped, Commission members facing testimony table, Jail Standards staff members at 90° angle to Commission members. Counties with "flights out" are given preference, otherwise generally followed agenda. Kerr County -Presented hand-out, introduced myself, Tommy Richter, Jail Administrator, and Dick Kinkead, Jail Secretary, with the statement that any questions relating to the jail would be deferred to them. Question: Are you the only one from your Commissioners Court here? Answer: Yes Sir. Question: Where is your County Judge? Answer: He had prior commitments, to-day is not State Hospital day, I think he is conducting Probate and Juvenile hearings. Read the prepared statement for the record and referred to the enclosures, -Citizens Committee Cover Letter, Executive Summary, and Disagreement Letter from one of the two committee members that did not sign the Citizens Committee Report. Offered my copy of the Citizens Committee Report to the Commission for the record. This was declined. Staff members pointed out that Kerr County was presently meeting requirements and had been certified last week. Richter stated that the population was 53 and we were in full compliance at this time. The Commission members were aware that our jail has excess population from time to time. 1 Question: (del Carmen) What did we mean by "innovative sentencing"? Answer: First time offenders, sentenced to one year or less, being placed in Community Corrections Centers as opposed to sending to TDC. We had held a workshop with the people listed just yesterday morning and with the addition of another courtroom and using visiting judges there was a possibility of reducing our jail bed requirements by a maximum of 20. (Stumbled with this answer, tried to stress that the addition of a minimum security/community corrections facility would meet some needs.) Question: (Chairman Uhr) Were we going to try to do all of these things in one bond issue, i.e., jail, juvenile, office space and Ag complex? Answer: Yes, sir. Kerr County is not unique in the tax dollar crunch, we have all of these requirements, however, the Agricultural Complex would probably not be addressed in the bond issue. It is our sincere effort to present this to the voters on the November, 1990 ballot. Referred to the letter from Jack Crump, dated 14 March, asking for design firm selection, financing arrangements and completion dates. Stated that we are not prepared at this time to address these questions specifically. Question: (Sheriff Corley) Are all members of the Commissioners Court behind this bond issue? Answer: No sir. Statement: (Sheriff Corley) If ALL members of the Commissioners Court are not behind the bond issue I/we can guarantee failure. Just one commissioner being against a bond issue can defeat it. Motion: (Sheriff Klevenhagen) I move that we require all members of the Ken County Commissioners Court to be present at the May meeting of the Texas Commission on Jail Standards and present us with their plan of action. Statement: (Sheriff Corley) Wait. They are in compliance at this time. We may be setting a precedence that we don't want to start. Statement: (Chairman Uhr) The staff will continue to monitor the situation in Kerr County. I understand there is in excess of 2,000 unserved warrants. We request the entire Commissioners Court to attend the May meeting with more definitive plans and a written proposal. (Letter from Jack Crump is expected to follow.) 2 Editorial: 14 counties were scheduled to attend this meeting. In every case, each county testified as to what they were doing to come into compliance with Jail Standards, we heard bond issues failing; reasons why; solutions offered; and bond issues re-set for as soon as May. Two counties were given additional time because a decision has been requested from the Attorney General on the legality of "Design/Build". If a county is making a sincere effort to resolve the issue (either with bonds or Certificates of Obligations, or hiring firms, etc.) the Commission was willing to extend their respective time frame. Staff members had input throughout the hearing. The one exception was Zavala County. They were told at the January meeting to correct the situation with Washington D.C. prisoners being housed in a private, minimum security, low-risk facility. The fact was that the prisoners were not in fact, low-risk. Zavala County was asking for another week, after meeting with the staff yesterday, to correct the situation. (They had done nothing except identify high-risk prisoners, and had not moved them out.) The Commission voted 4 to 3 to close the facility. During testimony, of which all statements were sworn, this facility provided funds for one-half of their county budget, not counting local employment. Bottom line -you had best be sincerely attempting to correct the situation or the Texas Commission on Jail Standards would shut you down. Respectfully, ~~ BILL RAY 3 '_ _ ~_. ~ONtm iee~J~k -' ~ a,~,~ ~u~~~ I,JLC~ Krvke~o ~~y AGENDA Meeting: Texas Commission on Jail Standards Place: Congress Square II, 611 South Congress Avenue, Suite 201 Time: 9:00 A.M. Date: March 28, 1990 I. Meeting called to order II. Roll Call of Commission Members ~~ b Uhr Judge Roy English /Sheriff Johnny Klevenhagen vDr. Charles Hurst vDr. Rolando del Carmen ~I)avid Nelson /Sheriff Jae Corley "koy Orr /I'ex Corley III. Reading and approval of minutes of last regular meeting. IV. Old Business: U1~ - Bowie County - status of planning ~~~~a 26 ~~"' o Anml uc.l~u2vw`~~ ~~-'r~ F 5 S a4-'~ H ~~ ~~ ~~j - Delta County - Status of jail plan~ni~n~Qg/design build proposal n~r~~R-es~~~«.~ ~" /T'"- ~~~,z - Denton County - correction of life safety ~Zx~,~_~.d' - Fr~kli,p Coun y -~~status of jail planning 4 `P°``1~~C - HarriGGSO~n ounty- status of jail planning~6~I,~~/ e- " 3 - Ker~~ounty - status of jail planning ~ ~ ` - Lamar County - status of construction/violations wn~ - Mor is Cty_~,,,statu~of~a~l planning/remedial n/~ order /((.~~~~ ooh/--~~^^~~'' ,~~~~,o,~.~~'t'd~.~P"^"" - Van Zandt County - status of jail planningP~`"' "" J - Zavala County - corrective measures; review of low risk procedures; change to standards K - Juvenile Justice Sur- ~ plG,~ ~~ '~ L - Development of AIDS Policy Guide V,~/,~,~~~ M - Life Safety Review Committee v~,, , _... a a ~ ~~,.~ I,IC s~ ~a~~ ,. - ~".~~ -gyp N - Completed Jail Projects ,vj~, ,,~a /~,l~~~J,-3~~ 0 - Jail Population Report b7 ~jaj'~ G~ P - Development of Private facilities Q - Active Remedial Orders VI. New Business: ~~ f~° :~- A - Cass County - status of planning / ~,y' 4~, B - Hardin County - status of planning ~~ ~ ' p `~ C - Henderson County - review of tem~o~ry structure ~v-ate D - Polk County - overpopulated conditio n- Ni ~, `~~. II. Application for Variance(s): ~8(.-~- IV. Directors Report: ~pw - Finance Report - Inspections - Letters of Non-compliance - Jails in Compliance - Jails in Construction/Planning - Jails not Certified/Non-Compliant Jails - State Jail Capacity/Population/Projections - West Texas Judges and Commissioners Conference - Regional Jail Conference - Staff Review of Standards - Update on Consultation/Technical Assistance - Texas Open Meeting Handbook VIII. Other Business: A - Miscellaneous letters of comment/appreciation IX. Executive Session: A - Litigation affecting Jail Commission 2 STATEMENT to the TEXAS COMMISSION ON JAIL S"I'ANDARDS FROM the KERR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT 28 March 1990, 9:00 a.m. 611 South Congress Avenue, Suite 201 Austin, Texas The Kerr County Citizens Committee was charged to study [he current and future needs of the county as relates to a jail, juvenile detention center, office space, and the Agricultural complex. The Committee has completed their study as relates to the jail only, and have submitted their recommendations to the Kerr County Commissioners Court. The essence of their report was that Ken County is in need of additional jail space; 95 - 110 beds were recommended. They also suggested evaluating all alternative options to incarceration in an attempt to reduce Kerr County's jail bed requirements. This includes minimizing waiting time until trial date and the use of "innovative sentencing." We are presently holding workshops with District and County Court at Law Judges, prosecuting attorneys, the Chief Probation Officer and city and county law enforcement officials to see what changes can be instituted to achieve the goal of compliance with Jail Standards. It is our sincere effort to present our bond needs to the voters of Kerr County no later than the November, 1990 ballot. Respectfully Gam`' BILL RAY Kerr County Commissioner Enclosures: 1. Cover Letter -Kerr County Citizens Committee Report 2. Executive Summary -Kerr County Citizens Committee Report 3. Letter - desenting member of the Kerr County Citizens Committee