/ 9˘3l.! ~9~ s~. z District Judge Sherrill addressed the Court with his views of the current jail situation. He was on the original jail committee, which he says was a very conservative committee. At that time he was against building another courtroom, but has since changed his mind. The courtroom does not have to be fancy - no carpet or elaborate furniture. He says the County can reduce its felony prisoners by one-third in a three l3) to six (6) month period by adding another ceurtroom, with an office and a conference room, and using visiting Judges or retired judges, such as himself and Judge Jordan. That would keep one courtroom functioning fulltime in pre-trial with one jury reporting and being divided up. Judge Sherrill would also like to do away with court appointed attorneys and hire public defenders. He says he is disturbed by the fact that they are getting the same attorneys they would have to hire, and maybe iŁ they had a public defender they would find the funds to hire an attorney. A discussion followed on hiring an architect to walk thru the Juvenile Detention Center with the City Fire Marshal, Keith Spenrath, and the Gity Engineer, Joe Macerias. Judge Edwards stated he would like to hire Mike Walker, Architect, at 540.00 per hour not to exceed a cap of 5500.00 total. Commissioner Morgan said he had spoken with John Henderson, Architect and Contractor, and he would be willing to walk thru the Center with the Fire Marshal and City Engineer to find out exactly what needed to be done, get the cost of material and estimate labor and give the Commissioners' Court an estimate based on his findings, and at. no charge to the County. He would consider the walk thru as research for the project to determine his bid. ORDER NU. 19432 MOTION TO ASK JOHN HENDERSON, JR. TO WALK THRU THE JUVENILE DETENTION CENTER ANU STAIRWELL WITH THE CITY ENGINEER AND CITY FIRE MARSHAL AND GIVE THE COUNTY THE COST FACTORS TO COMELY WITH THE CITY VARIANCE AND AT NU COST TO THE COUNTY Un this the 22nd day of March 1590, upon motion made by Commissioner Ray, seconded by Commissioner Baldwin, with Commissioner's Ray. Baldwin, Morgan and Holekamp voting PAGE 783