igs~S / 9 s/ 3. I ~~ A discussion of Kerr County being declared a critical water area followed. Commissioner Holekamp, who attended the Texas Water Commission meeting in Austin, Texas, reported Kerr County had been declared a critical water area, but the Commission would hold off any enforcement until September 1991 to allow time to get legislation passed and in effect prior to that date. At present the City of Kerrville monitors septic systems and water wells, while the County only monitors septic systems. Kerr County will seek legislation for authority to monitor water wells also. The possibility of establishing a non-taxing water district was discussed. All that is necessary is to call for an election, whether taxing or non-taxing, but once created as taxing or non-taxing, it cannot be changed in the future to the other. If an election 1s held and the water district issue fails, this area will not be eligible for grants until September 1991. It xas decided that a Board be created and that Kerr County Environmental Health Department be designated as the monitoring authority for the City and County. The third item on the agenda was economic development. Jim Murphy reported that there was an increase of fees when the cable television was renewed. Two percent of that fee is to be set aside for the city to use as economic development. The City sent Larry Cory through a course to qualify to work with the Chamber of Commerce on contacting people to promote Kerrville. There is not enough money for a successful program. Whatever amount of money that the City and County comes up with, local businesses will be requested to match that amount. ~9S 97.E The final agenda item was the library contract. Gommisaioner Morgan said the contract was in the hands of the City and County Attorneys to work out the legal language. Each of the city councilperaons had a copy of the contract; but, since the County did not have a copy and hed not been able to study the contents, further discussion of the library contract was postponed. The question was asked if we are not having a problem, why rexrite the contract. Answer was, we have no contract. The Joint meeting of the Kerrville City Council and the Kerr County Commissioners' Court adjourned at 1:20 P. M. PAGE 868