COMMISSIONERS' COURT CONVENED IN REGULAR SESSION on Monday, December 10, 195,D at 1+D :00 o'clock A. M. with the following officers present: Danny R. Edwards, County Judge R. Gordon Morgan, Commissioner, Precinct #1 Bill Ray, Commissioner, Precinct #2 Glenn Holekamp, Commissioner, Precinct #~ H. A. Baldwin, Commissioner, Precinct #4 and the Court having duly opened, the following proceedings were had: ~9q 75.E Mr. Jim Allison, Allison & Associates, addressed the Court an the advantages of hiring his .firm for redistricting to make sure no one district is larger than the others. He said the preliminary census count shows Kerr County t,as had considerable growth. The final census count is due in April and will shave exactly where the growth is the greatest, and the State Senate and Congress lines will concentrate on the areas of growth. His firm will make sure the State has an up to date and correct map so that Kerr County will get the full benefits from the State. Mr. Allisan told the Court to keep in mind any changes of ,,.e.. boundary lines must be submitted to the Justice Department. "they view the changes for sixty (60) days, with no changes taking place, and if they need additional infor~matior, it will take up to another sixty (60) days. The Court needs to take into consideration a possible one hundred twenty days (1L0) delay before they car, make the changes. The process should have been started a couple of months ago. In conclusion Mr. Allisan cautioned the Gourt to make sure that which ever firm they choose has the full packages they might want. fq~ 7 s•~` Mr. Jahn Knox ask the Court to adapt a point resolution in support of Sovereignty. Sovereignty is a nonpartisan, not for profit organization founded last year. It has two purposes: (1) to reduce the high and escalating taxes, bott, income and property, and (1) to fund to a greater degree the necessary and legitimate needs of our communities and nation. The needs we refer to are in water/sewer/waste disposal systems, bridges, roads, the environmental problem, education, housing, and health care. In summary, they want less taxes and greater funding. The Court took no action. PAGE 65