ORDEki NU. 20061 APPROVAL TO RELOCATE KELLY CREEK ROAD IN COMMISSIONERS PRECINCT #4 Un this the 24th day of January 1591, upon motion made by Commissioner Oehler, seconded by Commissioner Holekamp, the Court unanimously approved by a vote of 4-0-0 the relocation of Kelly Creek Road in Commissioners Precinct #4. Ur. Olney is to deed the road right of way to the County alter the road base has met County Specifications, with Commissioner Oehler and Dr. Olney working out the details. ~ 006 /. ) Mr. Tom Pollan and Mr. Sam Clonts of Bickex•staff, Heath & Smiley, Austin, Texas, gave a presentation of the services _, they offer for redistricting. 't'hey will prepare three (3) separate proposals for the County and will make three (3) trips to Kerrville for a package price o£ 515,000.00. I2 the County can cut plans and the number of trips to Kerrville to Court meetings they can substantially reduce this cost. The Court thanked Mr. Pollan and Mr. Clonts for their time and patience and said they would let them know in two (2) or three (3) weeks. ORDER NO. 20062 APPROVAL TU PAY INDIGENT HEALTH CARE BILLS TU VARIGUS PHUVIDERS On this the "24th day of January 1951, upon motion made by Judge Stacy, seconded by C'omrnissioner Morgan, the Court unanimously approved by a vote of 4-0-0 to pay the Indigent Health Care bills due to various piuviders, for the total amount of 55, ~2~'.'I4. PAGE 121