,.,ourt unanimously approved by a vote of 4-0-0 to transfer 5537.00 from Line item No. 10-401-5'il, Contingency, in Cummissroners' Court, to the iollowrng line items in Justice of the Peace, Precinct #5 Offir_e: 5 .i:'d. 0~ to Line ltem Nu. lv~-4~y-31~, Uocb:ets ti. Forms; X50.00 to Line Item No. 10-45'~-410, Telephone; 120.54 to Line Item No. 10-459-310, Office Supplies; and, i.t/.00 to Line Item No. 10-459-309, Postage. COMMISSIONER MORGAN GALLED FOR EXECUTIVE SE`_iSION at 1:50 F.M. EXECiiT1VE oESSIUN ENUEU ANU CUMMiS~IUNLKS' CUUk'I' RECUdVENEU IN AN EMEkGENCY SESSION at 3:40 Y.M. with all officers present. URUEk NU. 10140 M 6r1UN TU URUER A BAN UN BURNING IN KERR COUNTY `"~ UNTIL FUkTHER NOTICE FROM THE COURT Un this the filth day of March 1y91, came on to be considered by the l:ourt the placing of a ban on burning in Kerr County due to dry conditions and high winds. Un motion made by Commissioner Morgan, seconded by Commissioner Holekamp, the Court unanimously approved by a vote of 4-0-0 to ban burning in Kerr County until further notice from the Court. In the event it becomes necessary for a person to burn during the ban, they should contact the County Judge's Office to see ii the ban has been lilted, and ii it has not, alert their local lire department fur permission and have the department ~.., standing by. F'AGE 164