~` ORDER NU. c:0546 AF'F'RUVAL TO ADVERTISE FOR F'ROF'OSRLS FOR GROUT' HEALTF-I INSURRNCE I~ On this the 9th day of September 1991, upon motion made by Commissioner- Oehler, seconded by Commissioner Lackey, the Court unanieously approved by a vote of 3-0-0, to advertise for grn~_ip health ins-trance that is to be renewed November- 1, 1991. Commissioner Morgan stated if the County A~-id it or- feels this is whoa+. sho~_ild be done he will. follow the recommendation of the R~aditor. E1~-ie Q^oss-Pl~_ie Shield is going up 15'/. this year b~-it did not go ~-ip last year and Commissioner Morgan wants to make s~-n•e we Itnow what coverage will be on new policy. ORDER N0. 2~ 547 AF'F'ROUAL OF N,EF2R COUNT"Y+ S TRRF'F'ERS CONTRACT WITH THE UNITED STATES DEF'RRTMENT Uf--- RGRICULTURE, ANIMAL_ RND F'L-ANT HEALTH INSPECTION SERVICE, RNIMRL DRMRGE CONTROL F'RGGRRM On this. the 9th day of September 1991, ~_ipnn motion made by Commissioner Lackey, seconded by Commissioner Oehler, the Coi_ir•t unani~ously approved by a vote of 3-0-0, to approve the N.er•r Co~_inty Trappers Contr•ar_t with the United States Department of Agric~_tlt~-ire, Flnimal. and F'lant Health Inspection Service, Animal Damage Control Program. Copy of Field Rgr•eement Attached. F'RGE 40'