ORDER NO. X0548 RF'G'ROVRL OF SIGNING OF TRX SALE DEED On this tFie 9th day of September 1991, ~~pon motion made by Commissioner Lackey, seconded 6y Commissianer^ Oehler^, the Co~irt u~a~i~ously approved 6y a vote of 3-0-0~ to sign the f,!~_iitclaim Deed of pr^operty sold by Ker•r•ville Independent School District at a tax foreclos~.tre sale which was held on R+_tgust 6, 1991. The pr^operty is described in the G+_iitclaim Deed and was sold for less than the total amount of the j~_idgement against the proper^t y. F'r^operty sold under these conditions m~_ist have governing bodies approval. ORDER ND, c0549 RGF'ROVRL OF TERMINATION OF JAILER CHARLES JRNSUN IN THE KERR COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE On this ttie 9th day of September 1991, upon motion made by Commissioner Mor^gan, seconded by Commissioner Oehler`, the Co~_ir-t unani~ously approved by a vote of 3-0-0, to accept the ter^m in at ion of .jailer Charles Janson in the t',er^r Co+anty Sheriff's Office effective R+.rgust 1E., 1991. Mr. Janson has 50 hours Comp time, b8 hours Holiday time, 111 hours Vacation time and ~ h0~_IT`5 Salary. F'RGE 403