ORDER N0. c~572 RF'F'ROVRL OF THE RESIGNATION OF JRIL.ER DAVID ALEXANDER IN THE KERR COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE On this the car^d day of September 1991, upon motion made by Commissioner Halekamp, seconded by Commissioner Oehler^, the Co~irt unaniMOUSly approved by a vote of 4-0-0~ to accept the resignation of .jailer- David Alexander effective September 15, 1991, with a balance of 204 hours holiday time, 115 ho~_irs vacation time and 35 ho~_irs comp time. His last physical day on the job was September- E, 1991, using SE hours of his vacation time, leaving him v9 ho~.irs vacation time, 204 hours holiday time, and 35 hours comp time to be paid to him in addition to his r^egular pay check for September 15, 1991. ORDER NO. 20573 AF'F'ROVRL OF PLACING DIANE CLARI'. FROM F'RR7-TIME TO FULL-TIME SAILER IN THE Y.ERR COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE On this the card day of September 1991, upon motion made by Commis..<.ioner• Holekamp, seconded by Commissioner Lackey, the Cour-t unani~ously approved by a vote of 4-0-0, to appr^ove and accept Diane Clark fr^orti part--time to full-time .jailer^ in the Kerr Ca~.mty Sheriff's Office, effective September 1, 1991, at Step 13/Grade 1 with an annual salary of E14,6~4.S+Q~, 5.1,'x:16.97 monthly, ~6~8.49 semi-monthly, and f7.~2 hour^1 y. PAGE 420