ORDER N0. ~Q~602 AF'F'RCJVAL OF AU VALOREM REFUND TO JIMMIE DRVIS DUE TO ERROR MRDE AY KERR COLJNTY RF'F~RAISRL DISTRICT On this the 15th day of Oc-toher• 1991, i_~pon motion made by Commissioner Oehler-, secondecJ by Commissioner Holekamp, the Co~ar-t unani~oualy approved by a vote of 4-0-0, to refs-ind X630.76 to Jimmie Davis d~ae to a clerical er^r^o r^ made by the Kerr Cotmty Appraisal District for overpayment. ORDER N0. ~06a3 AF'GROVRL_ RND SIGNING TRX SRLE DEED IN THE TRX ASSESSOR/COLLECTORS' OFFICE On this the 15th day of October^ 1991, ~.~pon motion made by Commissioner' Holekamp, seconded by Commissioner Oehler^, the Court unani~ouely approved by a vote of 4-0-0, to sign and approve the Quitclaim Deed of property sold by Kerr^ville Independent School Distr^ict at a tax for^eclos~are sale which was held on Rugust 6, 1991. The property described in the 0~_iitclaim deed Lots 59,60, and 61, Plock 5, in Hilt River' Co~antr^y Estates Section 1 was sold for' less than the total amount of the judgement against the property. Gr•operty sold ~-ender- these conditions m~-1st have governing bodies approval. GAGE 439 ,~