ORDER NO. ?.0995 CONSIDERATION OF RAISING THE FRIC:E OF THE COKE MACHINE IN THE COUNTY COURTHOUSE On this the 13th day oŁ July 1'752., came on to be considered the changing of prices on the Coke Machine maintained by the County Extension Office. The price was raised to 5,60 instead of >.SO. A motion was made by Commissioner Lackey, seconded by Commissioner Oehler, to have t:he price be changed to S.6tD. After further consideration there was a substitute motion made by Commissioner Morgan, seconded by Commissioner Holelcamp, to leave the CoN:e Company supply and maintain the Coke Machine and allow the price to stay at S.S~D. The 4-H Program are to receive the proceeds from the machine. The Court unanimously approved by a vote of 4-0-0. ORDER NO. 20996 CONSIDERATION OF ACCEPTING THE RESIGNATIDN OF ROWAN P. ZACHRY AS DIRECTOR OF KERR COUNTY RURAL FIRE DISTRICT AND APPOINTMENT OF BRUCE M. BOND FOR THE UNEXPIRED TERM On this the 13th day of July 1992, upon motion made by Commissioner Oehler, seconded by Commissioner Holekamp, the Court unanimously approved by a vote of 4-0-0, to accept the resignation of Rowan P. Zachry as Director of the Kerr County Rural Fire District and appoint Bruce M. Bond to fill the unexpired term. PAGE 655