i:UMMISSIUNERS' CUUR1' CONVENED IN SGECIRL SESSION UN Monday, R~agust 24, 1992, with the following Officer^s present: W.G. Stacy, County Judge R. Gar^don Mor^gan, Comm. Greet # 1 T. H. Lackey, Comm. Greet # 2 Glenn K. Holekamp, Comm. F'r•ect # 3 Bruce Oehler^, Comm. Rrect # 4 and the following proceedings were had: ORDER NU. 21041 CLRIMS RNll RCCOUNTS Un this the 24th day of Rugust 194, came on to be consider^ed the vario~_is Claims and Accounts against Kerr Co~_inty and the Various Commissioners' precinct, which claims and accounts approved for payment out of General for 34'x,143.57, .jury for 3345.00, Road and Br^idge Rdditional Registration for 415,390.50, Road and Bridge for 3,;5,584.00, Traffic Safety Fund for 33,00.85, Indigent Health Car^e for $400.96, Schreiner Road Trust for^ 3765.05, State F~.inded - performance Rewards for 3542.48, 06-State Funded 216th District probation for 3'768. 14, and State Funded - Comm~_inity Correction for• 51,708.19. On motion made by Commissioner Lackey, seconded by Commissioner Morgan, the Court unani~ously approved by a vote of 4-0-0~ to pay said Claims and Recounts. GAGE 699